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  •    Indice / Cote : 70"19" CAHN
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Documents en rayon : 4

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Résumé : A rebel and feminist, the Switzerland-born Miriam Cahn is one of the major artists of her generation. Widely known for her drawings and paintings, she also experiments with photography, moving images, sculptures, and performance art. Cahn's diverse body of work is disturbing and dreamlike, filled with striking human figures pulsing with an energy both passionate and violent. These pieces, along with Cahn's reflections on artistic expression, have always responded to her contemporary moment. In the 1980s, her work addressed the feminist, peace, and environmental movements, while the work she produced in the 1990s and early 2000s contains allusions to the war in the former Yugoslavia, the conflict in the Middle East, and the September 11 terrorist attacks. Her recent production tackles ever-evolving political conflicts, engaging with the European refugee crisis and the "#metoo" movement. Miriam Cahn: I as Human examines different facets of the artist's prolific and troubling oeuvre, featuring contributions from art historians, critics, and philosophers including Kathleen B hler, Paul B. Preciado, Elisabeth Lebovici, Adam Szymczyk, Natalia Sielewicz and .

Résumé : Le catalogue de la rétrospective consacrée à l'artiste plasticienne suisse qui s'intéresse à la sculpture, à la photographie, à la peinture mais aussi à la performance sonore. Son oeuvre traite principalement des sujets sociaux et politiques. ©Electre 2023

Résumé : Recueil de textes, de notes de journal et de correspondances de l'artiste suisse, dont les peintures, dessins, films et installations traitent de questions politiques et sociales. Elle y examine son propre travail ou commente les événements de l'art et du monde. ©Electre 2023

Résumé : Catalogue consacré à la peintre d'origine strasbourgeoise. Née au tournant du XXe siècle, entre les cultures allemande et française, elle est l'élève de Lovis Corinth puis de Fernand Léger. Cette artiste a traversé les courants artistiques du XXe siècle, de l'expressionnisme allemand à l'abstraction lyrique. ©Electre 2022

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