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Documents en rayon : 9

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Résumé : Présente l'élaboration d'une oeuvre de l'artiste, à la villa Arson, à Nice, en 1994. Comme dans beaucoup de ses oeuvres récentes, Paul McCarthy veut explorer le décalage entre la société de consommation, d'une part, et le malaise intérieur et la triste réalité de beaucoup de gens, d'autre part.

Résumé : Los-Angeles-based artist Paul McCarthy (b.1945) creates Disneyesque installations, sculptures of animal/vegetable/human hybrids and slapstick performances in a purge of a national subconscious. The psycho-sexual desires and anxieties induced by the media and the built environment of contemporary America emerge in his collisions of plastic prosthetic limbs and condiments that stand in for bodily fluids. These works have been variously deployed: through live actions, often documented on video, and more recently in outsized figures and artificial rural environments, combined in overtly sexual ways. McCarthy's work echoes that of European artists such as Joseph Beuys or the Viennese Aktionistes, but gives 'action art' a postmodern twist. This is the first comprehensive survey of over twenty years of work by a profoundly influential artist whose work is in the collections of the world's most important museums

Résumé : A prolific social critic, Paul McCarthy is best known for his work in performance, installation, film, and sculpture. His works reference American cultural archetypes such as Disneyland, B movies, soap operas, comic books, and contemporary politics. His drawings and films skewer, often profanely, mass media and consumer-driven American society by pointing to its hypocrisy, double standards, and repression. McCarthy's work is also deeply influenced by European avant-garde art, especially by figures such as Joseph Beuys and Samuel Beckett, and Viennese Actionism. McCarthy's drawings share the same visual language as his three-dimensional works: violence, humour, sex, politics, art history, and popular culture. Featuring 50 years of works on paper in charcoal, pencil, pen and ink, and collage, this selection includes pieces from McCarthy's renowned "White Snow" series, his contributions to the "Plato in L.A." project at the Getty Museum, and recent sketches in which, unsurprisingly given the current political climate, McCarthy's gloves-off approach feels both necessary and inevitable. This book reveals an important aspect of his drawing techniques, and situates his works on paper as one of the most significant in contemporary art.

Résumé : Matthew McCaslin travaille avec des matériaux technologiques et de la lumière artificielle, avec des images digitalisées et des entités industrielles pour les amener vers une sensibilité anthropologique qui repose sur une expérience humaine basique. Les thèmes majeurs de son oeuvre sont la mémoire et la référence au temps qu'il tente de visualiser.

Résumé : Prolongeant l'exposition de l'été 2007 de Rochechouart, l'auteur a choisi certaines oeuvres pour créer une rétrospective de son travail.

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