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Résumé : Sean Scully, peintre d'origine irlandaise, naturalisé américain en 1983, partage sa vie entre New York, Munich et Barcelone, où il a des ateliers. Son travail développe le thème de la grille, de la bande et de l'échiquier.

Résumé : Une large sélection d'oeuvres diverses (peintures, photographies, gravures, dessins et aquarelles) de Sean Scully. Les auteurs soulignent la nature spirituelle, émotionnelle et humaine de l'oeuvre et situent l'artiste dans la tradition de l'abstraction et dans l'histoire de la peinture.

Résumé : The American art critic Arthur Danto (1924–2013) spent his entire life in pursuit of the essence of art. Influenced by Nietzsche, Hegel, and Schopenhauer, he concerned himself with issues related to representation theory, coined the term “art world,” and posited the end of traditional art. One of the art philosopher’s primary interests was the New York School—Abstract Expressionism. He considered the highly esteemed oeuvre of his friend Sean Scully to be its continuation and further development. “Scully’s historical importance lies in the way he has brought the great achievement of Abstract Expressionist painting into the contemporary moment.” Danto devoted a series of essays to the abstract stripe paintings by the Irish artist (*1945 in Dublin). The bibliophile publication assembles Danto’s essays on Scully’s body of work for the time in one volume, and combines them with select illustrations—paintings, photographs, and drawings by the painter.

Résumé : This catalogue, the second volume in a proposed series of five, chronicles Sean Scully’s paintings of the 1980s. Beginning with major breakthrough works early in the decade, it profiles the development of Scully’s mature style as well as his growing success in America and internationally.Scully, a native of Ireland, was educated in England and moved to the United States in 1975. By the early 1980s, he was established in New York and making works that would influence his work years to come. In works both small (Solomon) and large (Heart of Darkness), Scully developed a powerful style of richly painted stripes and shapes with a masterly control of color and strongly built canvases. In an era of low regard for abstract painting, Scully invigorated and reinvented the form to include rich evocations of places, literature and other art forms, and emotions. By the end of the decade, he was universally regarded as one of the most important artists of the second half of the twentieth century.

Résumé : Les peintures abstraites de Sean Scully sont mondialement connues. Par ce moyen d'expression, il va bien au-delà d'une confrontation purement formelle avec la couleur, la forme, le plan et la lumière en incorporant également ses attitudes envers l'art, la société, l'éthique et la métaphysique. Jusqu'à présent, cependant, peu d'attention a été accordée au fait qu'il crée aussi des sculptures. Pour celles-ci, Scully superpose des éléments d'acier, de pierre, de bronze et d'aluminium peint, créant des structures horizontales qui s'étendent vers le haut, mais qui ont aussi un lien avec ses bandes picturales. Cette monographie est maintenant la première à rassembler les sculptures importantes de Scully en un seul volume. Outre de nombreuses photos, il contient également de nombreux essais sur son travail.

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