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  •    Sujet : Architecture -- 21e siècle
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Documents en rayon : 560

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Résumé : Architizer: The World's Best Architecture Practices' accompanies Architizer's inaugural A+Firm Awards program, which honors an inspiring and remarkably varied selection of the most world's most innovative architects. Chosen by an international panel of experts, the winners include industry stars, such as Adjaye Associates, Zaha Hadid Architects, and Bjarke Ingles Group, alongside emerging talents like Tatiana Bilbao and Buro Koray Duman. The ultimate accolade for collaborative creativity, recipients include architecture firms, landscape architects, engineers, interior designers, photographers and real estate developers

Résumé : Offrant un large panaroma des manières dont l'homme habite le monde autour des années 2020, cet Atlas de l'architecture contemporaine convie le lecteur à repenser son rapport à l'architecture. Element essentiel de notre quotidien , elle est omniprésente tout au long de notre vie : de notre habitation aux infrastutructures et bâtiments publics (écoles, hopitaux, etc.), de nos bureaux et espaces de travail ou encore aux lieux de loisirs, de culture ou édifices religieux. Couvrant les cinq continents à travers 280 projets, cet ouvrage met en valeur le talent de ces architectes contemporains qui façonnent notre monde, se jouant de la modernité et des traditions, travaillant les matériaux locaux durables à l'aide d'outils innovants. Doté d'une riche iconographie permettant de saisir le processus de réalisation de ces ensembles architecturaux (plans, dessins et photographies ), chaque projet fait l'objet d'une notice explicative.

Résumé : Une histoire de l'architecture au XXe siècle à travers une cinquantaine d'architectes, d'Eiffel à Foster, en passant par Le Corbusier. ©Electre 2016

Résumé : The official catalog of the 15th Venice Biennale Architecture Exhibition. More and more people on the planet are looking for a decent place to live, even though the chances to find one are becoming tougher and tougher by the hour. Nevertheless, on the frontlines of the built environment there lingers a sense of vitality that brings architecture to look at reality in a positive way. This is what people will see at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition: success stories and exemplary cases where architecture has made, is making, and will make a difference. Reporting from the Front aims at explaining to a broader audience what it means to improve the quality of life while working on the margins, under heavy circumstances, and facing pressing challenges. And what it is like to be on the cutting edge trying to conquer new fields

Résumé : Quarante contributeurs issus de diverses disciplines telles que l'histoire, l'urbanisme, l'architecture ou la philosophie, abordent la résurgence de l'archaïsme au sein des productions architecturales contemporaines. ©Electre 2020

Résumé : As soon as it leaves the protective environment of drafting boards, specialized computer programs, and sophisticated 3-D models, every architectural project is inevitably forced to face the circumstances of real life. In most cases, it’s a relatively painless experience, it nevertheless progresses without major problems – but sometimes things go wrong and it fails miserably! What remains are unfulfilled expectations and broken dreams of overly optimistic architects, owners, and clients. With a tongue in cheek approach, this book presents a selection of the most spectacular architectural flops from the 20th century to the present. Each project is described briefly and its circumstances analyzed and extensively documented via photos. The reader is taken to monumental ghost towns in Asia, grotesque remnants of amusement parks, for example in the USA, and a nuclear power plant in Crimea. The author is not aiming to uncover faults and condemn failed projects but rather to contemplate on how difficult and nearly impossible it is to predict the future for any type of endeavor. (source : editeur). Les erreurs en architecture

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