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Documents en rayon : 481

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Résumé : Avec ce nouveau numéro la revue The Eyes examine les méthodes et analyse les positionnements des photographes qui travaillent sur les chapitres les plus traumatisants de nos histoires individuelles et collectives. Ce numéro est construit autour d’une notion qui imprègne la pratique de Laia Abril, à savoir la question du soin dans un contexte post-traumatique, soit l’« (After)care » en anglais.

Résumé : The Peruvian journal Amauta (1926-1930) was founded and directed by the writer, journalist and political thinker José Carlos Mariátegui (1894 -1930). Its broad network of agents and correspondents in Latin America and Europe helped to cultivate the publication, with a sizeable print run of between three and four thousand copies, and shape its substantial international impact. It is this open and diverse approach that has enabled the present exhibition to constitute a panoramic survey of Latin American avant-garde movements. Featuring over 250 works, this show brings together not only those reproduced in Amauta but also a wide-ranging selection inspired by the exchanges that took place on the pages of the journal; works which are largely contemporary to the publication and span different mediums and formats -- from painting, drawing, sculpture and photography to popular art and documentation. The artists represented include Ramón Alva de la Canal and Diego Rivera (Mexico); Camilo Blas, Martín Chambi, Julia Codesido, Elena Izcue, César Moro and José Sabogal (Peru); Norah Borges, Emilio Pettoruti and Alejandro Xul Solar (Argentina); Carlos Mérida (Guatemala); and Tina Modotti (Italy), to mention but a few.

Résumé : Ouvrage publié à l'occasion de l'exposition intitulée "Undercover Surrealism : Picasso, Miro, Masson and the vision of Georges Bataille" tenue à la Hayward Gallery de Londres du 11 mai au 30 juillet 2006. - Contient des textes de différents artistes surréalistes français, traduits en anglais

Résumé : Présentation illustrée d'exemples des techniques du journalisme de presse écrite, des règles, des repères et des codes du métier, ainsi que de la déontologie de l'information. ©Electre 2015

Résumé : Edited and published by Rasheed Araeen and Mahmood Jamal between 1978 and 1979 in the UK, Black Phoenix remains a key and radical document of transnational solidarity and cultural production in the fields of visual art, literature, activism, and beyond. This publication compiles all three issues of the journal into a single volume. More than a decade after the liberation movements of the 1960s and the historic Bandung and Tricontinental Conferences, which called for social and political alignment and solidarity among the nations of Africa, Asia, and Latin America in order to dismantle Western imperialism and (neo)colonialism, Black Phoenix issued a rallying cry for the formation of a liberatory arts and culture movement throughout the Third World. International in scope, Black Phoenix positioned diasporic and colonial histories at the center of an evolving anti-racist and anti-imperialist consciousness in late 1970s Britain and beyond - one that would yield complex and nuanced discourses of race, class, and postcolonial theory in the decade that followed. Black Phoenix proposed a horizon for Blackness that transcended racial binaries, across the Third World and the West. Contributors include art critics, scholars, artists, poets, and writers, including Rasheed Araaen (Pakistan) and Mahmood Jamal (Pakistan), Guy Brett (UK), Kenneth Coutts-Smith (UK), Ariel Dorfman (Chile), Eduardo Galeano (Uruguay), N. Kilele (Tanzania), Babatunde Lawal (Nigeria), David Medalla (Philippines), Ayyub Malik (Pakistan), Susil Siriwardena (Sri Lanka), and Chris Wanjala (Kenya)

Résumé : Une rétrospective du magazine féminin "Elle",de ses pages de mode où s'expriment les mutations profondes de la société pendant plus d'un demi-siècle, chaque semaine depuis le 21 novembre 1945.

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