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  •    Auteur : Chapman, Clare
  • Aide
  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi

Documents en rayon : 2

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Résumé : L'anglicanisme est la troisième plus grande confession chrétienne et revendique environ 80 millions de membres dans environ 164 pays. Les 44 essais de ce volume englobent un large éventail de disciplines universitaires : théologique, historique, démographie et géographie, et différents aspects de la culture et de l'éthique. Ils s'accordent sur ce nouveau sujet interdisciplinaire que sont les "études anglicanes". Ce manuel couvre un vaste ensemble de sujets, sous des perspectives diverses, et constitue une contribution précieuse aux études anglicanes.

Résumé : Anish Kapoor Painting is the first publication to explore Kapoor's paintings in depth. It offers a unique insight into a language that has increasingly been a focus over the last ten years but has also been an integral part of his studio practice since his career began in the late seventies. In works that sit on the cusp between abstraction and figuration, Kapoor's paintings reveal the desire to go beyond the surface that has been so iconically explored in his better-known sculptural works. Recurring motifs are returned to time and again, rendered in paintings in which image, surface, space and time appear in sometimes delicate but often violent symmetry. With essays from such as vital voices as Julia Kristeva and Homi K.Bhabha, with whom the artist has collaborated in articulating his distinctive visual language, this extensive survey presents the trajectory that has led Anish Kapoor to his boldest and most startling body of work to date.

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