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Documents en rayon : 61

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Résumé : Présentation de la renaissance après-guerre du projet moderniste des avant-gardes historiques, que l´esthétique constructiviste incarnait autrefois.Une vingtaine de représentants majeurs de l'art optique et cinétique sont représentés, mettant en évidence l´apport décisif de l´Amérique du sud et de l´Europe de l´Est dans l´histoire de l´art de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle. ©Electre 2020

Résumé : The post-communist states of Central and Eastern Europe have gone from being among the world's most closed, autarkic economies to being some of the most export-oriented and globally integrated. While previous accounts have attributed this shift to post-1989 market reform policies, Besnik Pula sees the root causes differently. Reaching deeper into the region's history and comparatively examining its long-run industrial development, he locates critical junctures that forced the hands of Central and Eastern European elites and made them look at options beyond the domestic economy and the socialist bloc. In the 1970s, Central and Eastern European socialist leaders intensified engagements with the capitalist West in order to expand access to markets, technology, and capital. This shift began to challenge the Stalinist developmental model in favor of exports and transnational integration. A new reliance on exports launched the integration of Eastern European industry into value chains that cut across the East-West political divide. After 1989, these chains proved to be critical gateways to foreign direct investment and circuits of global capitalism. This book enriches our understanding of a regional shift that began well before the fall of the wall, while also explaining the distinct international roles that Central and Eastern European states have assumed in the globalized twenty-first century.

Résumé : Résumé éditeur : "In this path-breaking new history, Maja and Reuben Fowkes introduce outstanding artworks and major figures from across central and eastern Europe to reveal the movements, theories and styles that have shaped artistic practice since 1950. They emphasize the particularly rich and varied art scenes of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia, extending their gaze at intervals to East Germany, Romania, the Baltic states and the rest of the Balkans. 0While politics in the region have been marked by unstable geography and dramatic transitions, artists have forged a path of persistent experiment and innovation. This generously illustrated overview explores the richness of their singular contribution to recent art history. Tracing art-historical changes from the short-lived unison of the socialist realist period to the incredible diversity of art in the post-communist era, the authors examine the repercussions of political events on artistic life - notably the uprisings in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, the Solidarity movement in Poland, and the collapse of the communist bloc. But their primary interest is in the experimental art of the neo-avant-garde that resisted official agendas and engaged with global currents such as performance art, video, multimedia and net art"

Résumé : Ce document présente l'histoire du bloc communiste européen jusqu'à sa dislocation en 1991. Il retrace la politique menée par Staline dès l'année 1939 et décrit la prise de pouvoir du parti communiste dans les différents Etats. Il expose également la situation des Pays baltes, l'opposition à la terreur stalinienne et les révoltes à partir de 1956, en Hongrie ou en Pologne.

Résumé : A partir de documents issus des procès de Nuremberg et de témoignages, R. Rhodes analyse la brutalité et la sauvagerie mis en oeuvre dans les massacres de populations civiles (juifs, slaves, communistes...) en Pologne, en URSS, en Ukraine et en Lituanie à partir de 1941 par les Einsatzgruppen, groupes d'intervention mobiles de policiers ou de SS.

Résumé : Constitués à l'origine de volontaires issus de la SS, les 3.000 hommes des Einsatzgruppen, opérant à partir du 22 juin 1941 sur le front de l'Est, étoffent massivement leurs effectifs dans les mois suivants. L'ordre de tuer les cadres du régime soviétique et les hommes juifs adultes bascule en décision génocidaire en août 1941. L'ouvrage reconstitue l'évolution de ces groupes d'intervention.

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