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Documents en rayon : 414

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Résumé : Four hundred years ago, indigenous peoples occupied the vast region that today encompasses Korea, Manchuria, the Mongolian Plateau, and Eastern Siberia. Over time, these populations struggled to maintain autonomy as Russia, China, and Japan sought hegemony over the region. Especially from the turn of the twentieth century onward, indigenous peoples pursued self-determination in a number of ways, and new states, many of them now largely forgotten, rose and fell as great power imperialism, indigenous nationalism, and modern ideologies competed for dominance. This atlas tracks the political configuration of Northeast Asia in ten-year segments from 1590 to 1890, in five-year segments from 1890 to 1960, and in ten-year segments from 1960 to 2010, delineating the distinct history and importance of the region. The text follows the rise and fall of the Qing dynasty in China, founded by the semi-nomadic Manchus; the Russian colonization of Siberia; the growth of Japanese influence; the movements of peoples, armies, and borders; and political, social, and economic developments—reflecting the turbulence of the land that was once the world's "cradle of conflict." Compiled from detailed research in English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Dutch, German, Mongolian, and Russian sources, the Historical Atlas of Northeast Asia incorporates information made public with the fall of the Soviet Union and includes fifty-five specially drawn maps, as well as twenty historical maps contrasting local and outsider perspectives. Four introductory maps survey the region's diverse topography, climate, vegetation, and ethnicity. - Note de l'éditeur

Résumé : Synthèse globale sur l'histoire de l'Asie orientale et du Sud-Est de 1900 à 1989. La conclusion s'étend aux années 2000. ©Electre 2014

Résumé : Cet essai brosse une histoire politique de l'Extrême-Orient et aborde la question de la nature géographique, culturelle et politique de cette notion forgée et répandue en Occident à partir du début du XXe siècle. Revendiquant un point de vue universaliste, l'auteur réfléchit, en géographe, aux relations de l'Asie orientale avec l'Occident et les Européens.

Résumé : Durant le XXe siècle, l'Asie et l'Europe ont connu des changements dans leurs frontières et dans leurs organisations régionales. L'ouvrage réunit des articles sur les évolutions survenues en Asie orientale, désormais ouverte au monde. Les auteurs analysent les effets économiques et territoriaux liés à cette nouvelle situation (héritage colonial et culture asiatique, notamment).

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