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Résumé : This volume brings together Keynes's attempts to influence the course of public opinion and public policy in Britain and elsewhere between the autumn of 1929 and Britain's departure from the gold standard on 21 September 1931. At its centre are Keynes's activities as a member of the Macmillan Committee on Finance and Industry (including the eight days of ‘private evidence' he gave, setting out the theory of his then unpublished Treatise on Money and applying it to Britain's contemporary problems) and the Economic Advisory Council and its committees. It also includes all his related journalism and his correspondence both with senior politicians and with other men of affairs. As such, it is a companion to the volumes dealing with the development of his more formal economic theory during these years, most notably A Treatise on Money.

Résumé : Compare différentes techniques pédagogiques et interroge la dimension personnaliste de ces différentes pédagogies.

Résumé : In this volume, the third of three concerned with Keynes's involvement in the problems of financing Britain's war effort after 1939, the concentration is on the final stages of lend lease and the negotiations with the United States for the transition to peacetime conditions and the 1945 loan to Britain.

Résumé : This volume brings together Keynes's attempts to influence public opinion and policy concerning primarily British affairs between 1922 and 1929. During this period, his major concerns were Britain's attempt to return to the gold standard and its consequences, industrial policy (especially in the cotton textile industry) and unemployment policy, although he became briefly involved in many other subjects. Most of the volume consists of Keynes's journalism for the period, but it also contains his previously unpublished evidence to official committees, anonymous contributions to The Nation and Athenaeum and related correspondence.

Résumé : Cet ouvrage réunit cinq oeuvres du philosophe et pédagogue A. de La Garanderie (1920-2010) sur la pédagogie de la gestion mentale ainsi que son rapport avec la réussite ou l'échec des élèves et des étudiants dans l'apprentissage. Contient : Les profils pédagogiques (1980) ; Pédagogies des moyens d'apprendre (1982) ; Le dialogue pédagogique avec l'élève (1983) ; Comprendre et imaginer (1987) ; Tous les enfants peuvent réussir (1988).

Résumé : This volume brings together Keynes's attempts to influence the development of public opinion and public policy between September 1931 and the outbreak of World War II. It contains his journalism, his memoranda and letters to ministers and committees of the Economic Advisory Council and related correspondence. The issues covered include the management of sterling, Britain's recovery policies, the New Deal, the World Economic Conference of 1933, Britain's rearmament and preparations for war, and the recession of 1937–8 and policies to combat it. As such, it is a companion to the volumes dealing with the development of his more formal economic theories during these years, most notably in The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.

Résumé : This volume draws together Keynes's published and unpublished writings on non-economic subjects. Included in full are both sides of his correspondence as chairman of The New Statesman with Kingsley Martin, the paper's editor, covering politics and foreign affairs during the years 1931 to 1946. The reader will also find manuscripts on ancient currencies, a subject that occupied much of his time during the 1920s, his articles and reviews on the arts and literature, and the preface written jointly with Piero Sraffia to the 1938 facsimile edition of the Abstract of Hume's Treatise on Human Nature.

Résumé : Between the outbreak of war in 1939 and his death in April 1946, Keynes was closely involved in the management of Britain's war economy and the planning of the post-war world. This volume, the sixth dealing with this period, focuses on several aspects of post-war planning: the discussions surrounding relief and reconstruction, the attempts to produce a post-war scheme to stabilise the prices of primary products, and the discussions surrounding Britain's programme of reconstruction, most notably the Beveridge programme for social insurance and the policy of full employment. It contains Keynes's contributions to the discussion of these issues, most notably his primary product scheme and his longer papers on the tactics and problems of a full employment policy.

Résumé : Lancé par les hauts responsables de l'Instruction publique en 1915 pour venir en aide aux orphelins de guerre, le mouvement des PEP prend rapidement de l'ampleur tout en conservant son statut associatif. Privilégiant les élèves les plus assidus, cette fédération poursuit son oeuvre après guerre et développe des formules originales de prise en charge des orphelins civils.

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