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Documents en rayon : 45

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Résumé : Rethinking the Chicano Movement provides anastute and accessible introduction to this vitalgrassroots movement. Bringing together differentfields of research, this comprehensive yet concisenarrative considers the Chicano Movement as anational, not just regional, phenomenon, and places.

Résumé : "This book originates from a major group exhibition curated by Glenn LIgon, one of the most influential American artists of his generation. It features forty-five artists who he refers to in his art and in his writings, or who have been of significance to him more generally, including willem de Kooning, andy Warhol, Adrian Piper, David Hammons, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Lorna Simpson, Steve McQueen and Zoe Leonard. Literature is a frequent stimulus for Ligon's art, and this publication also features an anthology of fifteen literary and critical texts he has selected, by, for example, Marcel Proust, Adrienne Kennedy, James Baldwin, Audre Lorde, HIlto Als and Fred Moten. There are also new writings by Ligon himself, Gregg Bordowitz, Alex Farquharson and Francesco Manacorda. A personal art history of sorts, sets in a wider cultural and historical context, this project offers a wealth of new insights in to the background that informs Ligon's practice."--Page [4] of cover

Résumé : "Based on a four-part PBS documentary, this excellent history of the Mexican-American civil rights movement examines both individuals and issues which formed the movement from 1965-75, providing an important history of affirmative action efforts and works. From the rise of Chicano nationalism to struggles for various reforms, this is an involving study essential for any comprehensive collection on ethnic history." - Midwest Book Review

Résumé : Se fondant sur l'analyse de récits de militants et d'archives photographiques, l'étude met au jour les tensions qui ont traversé le mouvement noir dans les décennies d'après-guerre tout en retraçant une histoire des femmes et des hommes oubliés des mouvements noirs américains. ©Electre 2024

Résumé : The modern civil rights movement rapidly came to prominence after World War II, coalescing around the demand to repeal Jim Crow laws and promote a vision of a just, multiracial society. The vast majority of civil rights organizations practiced assertive nonviolence to meet these goals. Nevertheless, opponents often met their activism with violence and intimidation. Like those who marched, protested, and organized for civil rights and social justice, photojournalists put themselves in great danger. The Briscoe Center for American History’s exhibit, Struggle for Justice: Four Decades of Civil Rights Photography, which was displayed on the University of Texas at Austin campus, celebrated the legacy of those photographers. The material walked visitors through much of the civil rights era and provided a lesson both inspiring and challenging: that social progress is possible when one values it above personal comfort and safety. Now in book form, Struggle for Justice honors the photographers who were willing to put their privilege on the line to document the discrimination of others and, by doing so, helped to galvanize public support for the civil rights movement. - Note de l'éditeur

Résumé : La philosophe analyse la position défendue par Hannah Arendt sur la question noire, en particulier dans ses Réflexions sur Little Rock, article dans lequel elle s'oppose à un arrêt de la Cour suprême mettant fin à la ségrégation dans l'enseignement public. Elle montre que le conservatisme d'Arendt s'explique par la distinction qu'elle élabore entre le social, le politique et le privé. ©Electre 2023

Résumé : L'écrivain américain James Baldwin (1924-1987) avait commencé l'écriture d'un livre sur trois de ses amis assassinés, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X et Martin Luther King. R. Peck a repris ce manuscrit en le complétant avec des lettres, des interviews et des discours de Baldwin. Il en a fait un documentaire multiprimé qui traduit la vision tragique de Baldwin sur l'histoire des Noirs aux Etats-Unis. ©Electre 2017

Résumé : Paul Robeson, despite being one of the greatest Renaissance figures in American history, still remains in relative anonymity. An exceptional scholar, lawyer, athlete, stage and screen actor, linguist, singer, and civil rights and political activist, he performed brilliantly in every professional enterprise he undertook. Few humans have achieved his levels of excellence in one field, much less several. Any serious treatment of civil rights history and radical politics as well as American sports, musical, theatrical, and film history must consider the enormous contributions of Paul Robeson. And yet, Paul Robeson remains virtually unknown by millions of educated Americans. People typically know him for only one, if any, of the major successes of his life: the concert singer best known for “Old Man River,” the star of Shakespeare’s Othello on Broadway in the early 1940s, the political activist blacklisted for his radical views and activism during the era of McCarthyism in the 1950s. Paul Robeson For Beginners is here to demystify and bestow light and long overdue credence to the life of this extraordinary American. - Note de l'éditeur

Résumé : En 1965, l'écrivain interviewe les leaders américains du mouvement des droits civiques, parmi lesquels Martin Luther King, Malcolm X et James Forman, ainsi que des artistes, des écrivains et des militants. La retranscription des entretiens est accompagnée de commentaires et d'analyses qui traduisent l'évolution de sa pensée au contact de la communauté noire. ©Electre 2023

Résumé : Combattre le racisme raconte les années de lutte pour les droits civiques pour les Afro-Américains dans le Sud des États-Unis tout en les replaçant dans la longue histoire des combats contre l’esclavage et le racisme aux États-Unis. Dans une prose claire, sensible et vivante, Zinn nous livre ses réflexions sur les abolitionnistes, la marche de Selma à Montgomery, John F. Kennedy, les piquets de grève et, pour finir, son message aux étudiants de l’université de New York au sujet de la question de la race, dans un discours qu’il a prononcé´à la veille de sa mort. Il exprime la conviction inébranlable que les gens ont le pouvoir de changer les choses s’ils suivent ensemble la trad ©Electre 2022

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