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Documents en rayon : 5

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Résumé : Une réflexion autour de la crise écologique affectant les grands deltas de la planète. Fortement impactés par le tarissement des sédiments continentaux, les deltas reculent, s'enfoncent, perdent en fertilité et menacent ainsi les millions d'habitants vivant de leurs ressources. Des stratégies et des modèles sont proposés pour protéger ces organismes géologiques. ©Electre 2018

Résumé : Visite et étude de 12 deltas à travers le monde : la Camargue, le Guadalquivir, l'Ebre, le Nil, les déserts du banc d'Arguin, la mer d'Aral, le Danube, le Gange-Brahmapoutre, l'Okavango. Prolonge les particularités régionales par des cahiers thématiques. Associant reportage de terrain et réflexion écologique, ce livre révèle le combat des forces en présence : habitants, gouvernements, ONG.

Résumé : Approaching the Padma as inextricably linked to the Ganges but simultaneously as a unique sociocultural and ecological phenomenon, this richly illustrated compendium offers something for coffee-table browsers and serious students alike. Its large format enables a lavish visual smorgasbord, populated by hundreds of full-color illustrations, including waterscape photographs, paintings, satellite images, maps, and architectural drawings, all lending engaging context to the detailed narrative essays. In conversation with these visuals, the essays—at once academic and lyrical—cover a dizzying array of topics that demonstrate the river's imbrication with all manner of life's possible dimensions and experiences. Topics include (but are not limited to) geomorphology, architecture, transportation, sediment dynamics, film, economy, settlement patterns, property regimes, engineering, and even a chicken curry recipe; the contributors list reflects this diversity. Double-page full spread photographs comprise the "Album" sections, alternating with the "Essay" sections; each pairing forms one fluvially themed part of the book: "Aloft," "Adrift," "Awash," and "Afloat." This book is a visual and cognitive feast. As with any superb multicourse meal, readers should take their time with this deliciously dynamic title—and enjoy.

Résumé : Cet ouvrage illustré nous permet de découvrir les richesses environnementales et culturelles de la Guyane tout en nous sensibilisant aux grands défis environnementaux, humains et économiques auquel la région doit faire face.

Résumé : The massive expansion of human populations around the world in both the lower and upper drainage basins of large rivers have changed the manner in which sediments and water are delivered to deltas. Because of the high density of human populations found in these regions, humans have developed elaborate hydrological engineering schemes in an attempt to "tame" these deltas. The goal of this book is to provide information on the historical relationship between humans and deltas that will hopefully encourage immediate preparation for coastal management plans in response to the impending inundation of major cities, as a result of global change around the world

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