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Résumé : One of the most significant artists to emerge in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Félix González-Torres (1957-96) reduced formal vocabulary, conceptual rigor and evocative use of everyday materials that resonates with meaning that is at once specific and mutable, rigorous and generous, poetic and political. Featuring several key bodies of work from throughout the artist's career, this publication showcases a series of distinct installations at David Zwirner in New York in 2017. Together, in their radical openness to interventions of site, audience and context, the works on view challenge perceived notions of what constitutes an exhibition space, a public, an artwork itself. Despite the resolute abstraction of much of his work, Gonzalez-Torres worked with familiar materials, from his iconic candy spill works to his evocative light string pieces, to mirrors, clocks and curtains. His work activates the architecture of the various spaces, the physicality of the viewer, the past and present, continuously maintaining its relevance. Opening with details of the exhibition and images of visitors in the spaces, the publication walks the reader through each piece.

Résumé : Cette étude porte sur un projet de film inachevé, Regardez attentivement les rêves, dont le scénario fut écrit par Kira Mouratova et Vladimir Zouev en 1969, époque de durcissement de la censure soviétique. L'histoire met en scène une peintre déchirée entre sa volonté de se consacrer à son art et ses soucis quotidiens, ce qui évoque la nouvelle de H.G. Wells, La porte dans un mur. ©Electre 2019

Résumé : Présentation de la cotation en euros des timbres émis dans les territoires français d'outre-mer, à Monaco, en Andorre, aux Nations unies notamment à New York, à Genève et à Vienne depuis la fin du XIXe siècle. ©Electre 2021

Résumé : Présentation de la cotation en euros des timbres émis dans les territoires français d'outre-mer, à Monaco, en Andorre, aux Nations unies notamment à New York, à Genève et à Vienne depuis la fin du XIXe siècle. ©Electre 2022

Résumé : "Camping appears to be a simple proposition, a time-honored way of getting away from it all. Yet, as this book demonstrates, the simplicity of camping is deceptive, its history and meanings far from obvious. Why do some Americans find pleasure in sleeping outside, particularly when so many others, past and present, have had to do so for reasons other than recreation? A closer look at the history of camping since the Civil War reveals unexpected connections between its various forms and its deeper significance as an American tradition linked to core beliefs about nature and national belonging. Never only a vacation choice, camping has been something people do out of dire necessity and as a tactic of political protest. Still, the dominance of recreational camping as a modern ideal, and natural idyll, has erased its other forms from our collective memory. Camping Grounds rediscovers these unexpected and interwoven histories of sleeping outside. It uses extensive research to trace surprising links between such varied campers as veterans, tramps, John Muir, newly freed African Americans and early leisure campers in the nineteenth century; federal campground designers, Depression-era transients, family car campers, backpacking enthusiasts, countercultural youth, and political activists in the twentieth century; the crisis of the unsheltered and the tent-based Occupy Movement in the twenty-first. These entwined stories show how Americans camp to claim a place in the American republic and why public spaces of nature are critical to how we relate to nature, the nation, and each other"

Résumé : En 1999, David Lambert, archéologue, s'apprête à remonter le temps dans la machine de H. G. Wells et se retrouve un demi-millénaire plus tard dans un monde dépeuplé où toute civilisation est détruite. Utilisant les méthodes d'investigation archéologique, il va tenter de comprendre l'origine de cette catastrophe et partir à la recherche d'éventuels survivants.

Résumé : In this unique, well-illustrated book, readers learn how fifty financial corporations came to dominate the U.S. banking system and their impact on the nation's political, social, and economic growth. A story that spans more than two centuries of war, crisis, and opportunity, this account reminds readers that American banking was never a fixed enterprise but has evolved in tandem with the country. More than 225 years have passed since Alexander Hamilton created one of the nation's first commercial banks. Over time, these institutions have changed hands, names, and locations, reflecting a wave of mergers, acquisitions, and other restructuring efforts that echo changes in American finance. Some names, such as Bank of America and Wells Fargo, will be familiar to readers. The origins of others, including Zions Bancorporation, founded by Brigham Young and owned by the Mormon Church until 1960, are surprising. Exploring why some banks failed and others thrived, this book wonders, in light of the 2008 financial crisis, whether recent consolidations have reached or even exceeded economically rational limits. A key text for navigating the complex terrain of American finance, this volume draws a fascinating family tree for projecting the financial future of a nation. - Note de l'éditeur

Résumé : L'histoire des marionnettistes de cabaret de théâtre et de rue est relatée. L'auteur brosse le portrait des plus illustres d'entre eux en France, en Allemagne, en Autriche et en Suisse. Il évoque également les différentes techniques, le théâtre d'ombres, l'ère des cabarets et des music-halls, les spectacles à la télévision ou dans la rue, ainsi que l'avenir des marionnettistes. ©Electre 2023

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