• Aide
  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi




Ce manuel entièrement en aglais propose une préparation complète au TOEFL : il présente d'abord l'examen, les compétences requises (Reading, Listening, Speaking et Writing) et le barème de conversion de l'examen ; puis il propose des rappels de cours de vocabulaire et de grammaire assortis d'exercices commentés.En fin vous pourrez tester votre niveau à travers 3 tests complets. En fin de manuel, vous trouverez les réponses commentées et expliquées de chaque test et le script de tous les enregistrements audio.

  • Éditeur(s)
  • Date
    • 2009
  • Contenu
    • Méthode unilingue de préparation au Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), nouvelle version Internet-based (IBT)
  • Langues
    • Anglais
  • Description matérielle
    • [méthode + CD audio]
    • 1 livre (319 p.) et 1 CD MP3 (168 minutes)
  • Sujet(s)
  • Thème(s)
  • ISBN
    • 978-2-01-145934-3
  • Indice
    • 821(078) Américain (langue). Tests, examens, concours
  • Public
    • Avancé
  • Quatrième de couverture
    • Ivey League's R&D spends a considerable amount of time and money to make sure that our students receive thoroughky tested, up-to-date materials. Succeeding at the TOEFL(r) iBT is the result of these efforts and will give you proven techniques for raising your TOEFL(r) score, Our method includes :

      • A TOEFL(r) iBT diagnostic test to identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus on the sections you need to improve.
      • Lessons on the four sections covered by the TOEFL(r) iBT, Our book will show you how to use your knowledge and succeed in each section of the TOEFL(r) iBT,
      • Three practice tests providing immediate feedback on your progress.

      Colleges and universities around the worid recognize the TOEFL(r) as the top test of its kind in evaluating the level of a potential student's use of English.

      Created by a group of young Normaliens working in preparatory classes of France's top schools and universities (Haut Enseignement Commercial, Instituts d'Etudes Politiques as well as the Sorbonne University), Ivey League is an organization specialized in preparing some of the most selective tests and contests found in French and European higher education.

      There are three purposes to Ivey League's mission statement :

      • The success of its students in top schools ;
      • Promoting each student's Personal growth ;
      • Helping our students succeed in today's ever-changing mobile world.

      Since its creation in 1996, Ivey League has helped hundreds of students along their path to academie success in schools such as HEC, ESSEC, ESCP-EAP,EM Lyon, EDHEC...

  • Origine de la notice:
    • BPI
  • Disponible - AF 821(078) TOEFL

    Niveau 2 - Autoformation

  • Consultable à la Bpi