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Modi, Muslims, and media : voices from Narendra Modi's Gujarat

Auteur(s) : Kishwar, Madhu


This book gives objective facts back their proper central place in our political life...The enormous amount of important research that went into this effort demands that all those who care about the well-being of India's people and healthy inter-community relations should read it carefully and weigh its conclusions fairly. Thus far, we have heard the voices of those who, in condemning Modi, claim to speak on behalf of gujrat muslims. The value of Kishwar's narrative is that she has let Muslims speak for themselves by quoting extensively from her video-recorded interviews with both rural and urban Muslims. An honest understanding of this phase of contemporary history is vital for the health of democracy and amicable inter-community relations in India. - Note de l'éditeur

  • Éditeur(s)
  • Date
    • 2014
  • Langues
    • Anglais
  • Description matérielle
    • 1 vol. (399 p.) ; 22 cm
  • ISBN
    • 9788192935201
  • Indice
  • Origine de la notice:
    • BPI
  • Indisponible : En traitement