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Livre numérique

Fast-Forward Your Retirement through Property

Auteur(s) : Lee, Jason

  • Éditeur(s)
  • Date
    • 2011
  • Notes
    • If you are after something more than the mundane eight-to-five working day for the rest of your working life, then Fast-Forward Your Retirement through Property is the book for you. In this straightforward guide Jason Lee exposes the flaws in current retirement thinking and shows you how property is the cornerstone of wealth creation. The book explores the property investment process in detail, describing ? the types of deals that fast-forward your retirement; ? how to find the right deals; ? how to minimise risk; ? how to finance deals using a combination of bank and private-investor finance; and ? how to use teamwork to turn deals into reality. The book also examines current market conditions and the importance of timing, and reveals how a slow market can be the perfect platform from which to fast-forward your retirement through property. Anyone can play the property game. Regardless of your vocation, qualifications or financial status, property is the retirement plan that is available to all. This book demonstrates how you, too, can take charge of your future and achieve a secure retirement through property.
  • Langues
    • Anglais
  • ISBN
    • 9781770220379
  • Droits
    • copyrighted
  • Résultat de :
  • Consultable à la Bpi