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  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi

Livre numérique

Finding Arcadia

  • Éditeur(s)
  • Date
    • 2016
  • Notes
    • To understand the present, Arcadia Greentree must dig deep into her past. In Book 1, sixteen-year-old Arcadia discovered she was adopted and that her development had been shaped and monitored by her “parents” together with the headmaster of her school. The discovery resulted in a tragedy as her father was murdered and her mother put in a coma. In Book 2, Arcadia tries to locate the “professor” whom she believes to be ultimately responsible for her situation. A series of bomb threats lead her to Oxford University and a confrontation with her enemy—but all is not as it seems.
  • Langues
    • Anglais
  • ISBN
    • 9789814751513
  • Droits
    • copyrighted
  • Résultat de :
  • Consultable à la Bpi