• Aide
  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi


Localization of the Odyssey’s Underworld

dans Université d’Ottawa

  • Éditeur(s)
  • Date
    • 2016-05-02T02:00:00Z
  • Notes
    • Locating the Odyssey’s Underworld would seem to be a ridiculous endeavor. The Odyssey is vague about how Odysseus reaches the Underworld ; its description of Hades is sketchy. And Hades is a supernatural place : how could one discover its location ? Indeed, those intent on following in the wake of Odysseus, no matter how enthusiastic, often steer clear of the Underworld. But many since Antiquity have localized the Odyssean Underworld, or at least its entrance. Others forego reality and theor...
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    • info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess .
    • https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
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