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  •    Sujet : Crise économique (1929)
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Documents en rayon : 31

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Résumé : Hall of Mirrors is both a major work of economic history and an essential exploration of how we avoided making only some of the same mistakes twice. It shows not just how the "lessons" of Great Depression history continue to shape society's response to contemporary economic problems, but also how the experience of the Great Recession will permanently change how we think about the Great Depression.

Résumé : Des centaines d'entretiens font revivre les souvenirs de ceux qui ont traversé la grande dépression de 1929 aux États-Unis, du krach aux luttes syndicales, de la difficulté de la vie paysanne aux conséquences du New Deal.

Résumé : Retour sur le travail des photographes de la Farm security administration, Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Marion Post Wolcott, Russell Lee, Arthur Rothstein, Jack Delano, qui ont immortalisé la Grande Dépression des années 1930 aux Etats-Unis. Ces photographies censées mettre en relief l'avant et l'après des réformes rooseveltiennes ont contribué à l'émergence du style documentaire. ©Electre 2017

Résumé : Retour sur les événements de la crise de 1929 : son origine, son histoire, les années qui l'ont précédée et la manière dont elle s'est achevée. L'auteur décrit le climat de l'époque et la vie des gens dans leur quotidien, en faisant quelques comparaisons avec la crise de 2009.

Résumé : In the 1930s, the U.S. government famously sent photographers across the country to document on film the need for federal assistance in rural areas. Dorothea Lange’s well-known image Migrant Mother came from this effort, along with thousands of other photographs. Ben Shahn, Russell Lee, and Marion Post Wolcott contributed to this compelling body of images. As primary photographers for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) in the state of Louisiana, the three took more than 2,600 photographs, recording the modest homes, family gatherings, and working lives of citizens across the state. In Images of Depression-Era Louisiana, Bryan Giemza and Maria Hebert-Leiter curate more than 150 of those photographs, offering a riveting collection that captures this pivotal time in Louisiana’s history. The book’s stunning photo gallery, with original captions, provides a moving visual tour of Louisiana during a period of economic struggle and transition. Organized by photographer, parish, and date, the revealing images reflect an era when extreme poverty exacerbated the divide between classes and races. Scenes of agricultural and rural communities―families in clapboard houses, sugarcane cutters in the field, and trappers navigating bayous―as well as cityscapes of New Orleans’s bustling markets, busy docks, and peaceful Jackson Square demonstrate the scope of the photographers’ work and the diversity of conditions and occupations they found. Giemza and Hebert-Leiter trace the genesis of the FSA Collection, examine its role in promoting the documentary style of picture-taking, and explore the motivations and methods of the collection’s head, Roy E. Stryker. They sketch the biographies, techniques, and perspectives of Shahn, Lee, and Wolcott, explaining how the photographers operated in Louisiana from their first experiences to their last days in the state. Letters and other archival documents further illuminate the three artists’ impressions of Louisiana, its people, and its traditions. - Note de l'éditeur

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