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Documents en rayon : 261

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Résumé : Présentation du travail de cinquante artistes féminines du monde entier spécialisées dans le street art, notamment Olga Alexopoulou, Anopsy, Bambi, Boxhead ou encore Zabou. ©Electre 2017

Résumé : Quarante portraits de femmes sont présentés pour retracer l'histoire du mouvement hip-hop au féminin en France, qu'elles soient DJs, graffeuses, chanteuses, réalisatrices, stylistes. Elles s'appellent Ladies night, Lady Laistee, Princesse Aniès, Diam's, etc. C'est un panorama de la culture urbaine française à travers des archives, des paroles de chansons, des textes personnels.

Résumé : This revelatory book concentrates on Scottish women painters and sculptors from 1885, when Fra Newbery became Director of the Glasgow School of Art, until 1965, the year of Anne Redpath's death. It explores the experience and context of the artists and their place in Scottish art history, in terms of training, professional opportunities and personal links within the Scottish art world. Celebrated painters including Joan Eardley, Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh and Phoebe Anna Traquair are examined alongside lesser-known figures such as Phyllis Bone, Dorothy Johnstone and Norah Neilson Gray, in order to look afresh at the achievements of Scottish women artists of the modern period. Exhibition: Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh, UK (07.11.2015-26.06.2016)

Résumé : One of the pioneers of the British Black Arts Movement, Lubaina Himid first came to prominence in the 1980s when she began organising exhibitions of work by her peers, whom she felt were under-represented in the contemporary art scene. Himid’s work challenges the stereotypical depictions of black figures in art history, foregrounding the contribution of the African diaspora to Western culture.'Invisible Strategies' brings together a wide range of Himid’s paintings from the 1980s to the present day, as well as sculptures, ceramics and works on paper. The exhibition opens with Himid’s monumental Freedom and Change, 1984, which appropriates and transforms the female figures from Picasso’s 'Two Women Running on the Beach' ('The Race'), 1922, into black women, powerfully and humorously subverting one of the most canonical paintings in Western art history. Containing many works shown for the first time in decades alongside pieces never-before seen in a public gallery, this exhibition highlights Himid’s consistently thought-provoking and distinctive visual style.

Résumé : A travers la figure exemplaire des cheikhat, chanteuses traditionnelles autrefois respectées et honorées aujourd'hui méprisées et repoussées aux franges de la misère et de la prostitution, l'auteur propose une étude de l'ensemble des mutations et contradictions du Maroc moderne. Un pays qui oscille entre tradition et modernité, islam et islamisme, émancipation et exploitation.

Résumé : Entre 1750 et 1850, la peinture devient peu à peu accessible aux femmes. Pourquoi à ce moment précis de l'histoire, les femmes artistes bénéficient-elles de l'intérêt de leurs contemporains et de condition de travail relativement égales à celles de leurs confrères ? ©Electre 2016

Résumé : "Eileen Aigar (b.1899 Buenos Aires; d.1991 London) is an often overlooked but crucial figure within the development of European twentieth-century culture. Throughout her 80-year career she synthesised elements of both cubism and surrealism to create a unique personal style suffused with intelligence, wit, irreverence, and emotion through a century of huge social and political change. Previously appraised in relation to her connections to better-known male figures of British and European modernism such as Paul Nash, Ezra Pound, Roland Penrose and Paul Eluard, this first major survey of her work will place her firmly as a pioneering surrealist artist in her own right, illuminating her progressive attitudes to making, sexuality and art history. This timely monograph will feature rarely-seen work, as well as new contributions by writer Marina Warner, poet Daisy Lafarge and Aigar's biographer Andrew Lambirth."--Provided by publisher.

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