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  •    Tous les mots : Guinée -- 1958-1984 (S. Touré)
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Documents en rayon : 5

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Résumé : For the last twenty years, the West African nation of Guinea has exhibited all the characteristics that have correlated with civil wars in other countries, and Guineans themselves regularly talk about the inevitability of war tearing their country apart. Yet the country has narrowly avoided civil conflict again and again. Mike McGovern asks how this was possible, how a nation could beat the odds and evade civil war. All six of Guinea's neighbors have experienced civil war or separatist insurgency in the past twenty years. Guinea itself has similar makings for it. It is rich in resources, yet its people are some of the poorest in the world. Its political situation is polarized by fiercely competitive ethnic groups. Weapons flow freely through its lands and across its borders. And, finally, it is still recovering from the oppressive regime of Sekou Toure. Yet it is that aspect which McGovern points to: while Toure's reign was hardly peaceful, it was successful often through highly coercive and violent measures at establishing a set of durable national dispositions, which have kept the nation at peace. Exploring the ambivalences of contemporary Guineans toward the afterlife of Tour's reign as well as their abiding sense of socialist solidarity, McGovern sketches the paradoxes that can undergird political stability

Résumé : Présentation des chiffres et des enjeux liés à la lutte pour l'indépendance de la Guinée contre le colonialisme français, notamment lors du référendum de 1958 dans la région du cercle de Beyla, au sud-est du pays. L'auteur expose les motivations des habitants, les combats des partis politiques locaux et les défis surmontés pour accéder à l'autonomie. ©Electre 2024

Résumé : Guinea is rich, both materially and culturally, with the world’s largest bauxite reserves, gold, diamonds and iron ore. It abounds in culture and traditions and has a remarkable, if often turbulent, history. Guinea is also exceptional in that it was the first French colony proudly to declare its independence, in 1958. Thereafter, the country suffered under the tyranny of Sekou Toure. Today, headed for the first time by an elected president, Guineans are trying to put their troubled past behind them and fulfill the promise of a decent life for all. It will not be easy. Tens of thousands perished in the years of chaos and even more human potential continues to go to waste. Guinea is the classic paradox: there are vast mineral reserves, its peoples are resourceful and the earning potential of agriculture and tourism is evident. And yet, most citizens are desperately poor and lack even the most basic services. Governance lies at the heart of this problem. Posthumus touches on all these themes, while taking the reader to all corners of Guinea, which is captivating and exasperating in equal measure. He also highlights Guinea’s remarkable cultural accomplishments, most notably its globally renowned music

Résumé : En 1885, J. Ferry s'exprime sur le devoir de coloniser les peuples dits inférieurs pour les aider à s'élever alors que près d'un siècle plus tard, P. Lumumba proclame l'indépendance de la République du Congo. Avant lui le Guinéen S. Touré s'exprimait contre l'idéologie coloniale dominante et pour l'épanouissement des valeurs de l'Afrique.

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