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Documents en rayon : 53

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Résumé : During the past 50 years, coastal Louisiana has suffered catastrophic land loss due to both natural and human causes. This loss has increased storm vulnerability and amplified risks to lives, property, and economies--a fact underscored by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Drawing Louisiana's New Map reviews a restoration plan proposed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the State of Louisiana, finding that, although the individual projects in the study are scientifically sound, there should be more and larger scale projects that provide a comprehensive approach to addressing land loss over such a large area. More importantly, the study should be guided by a detailed map of the expected future landscape of coastal Louisiana that is developed from agreed upon goals for the region and the nation.

Résumé : Des recettes issues de la cuisine cajun, originaire des plantations de Louisiane et de La Nouvelle-Orléans.

Résumé : L'auteur a effectué un voyage aux Etats-Unis, traversant la Californie, l'Arizona, le Nevada, le Nouveau-Mexique, le Texas et la Louisiane, en compagnie de deux photographes, avec l'idée de faire un guide littéraire et photographique. Mais l'aventure se transforme en roman où les narrateurs deviennent des personnages picaresques. ©Electre 2023

Résumé : Histoire de la Louisiane depuis son achat à la France en 1802 jusqu'à nos jours. L'auteur relate les tensions entre les traditions franco-espagnoles de cet Etat et l'assimilation anglo-saxonne. Il dépeint successivement le rôle de la Louisiane dans la guerre anglo-américaine de 1812-1815, les années de prospérité économique fondée sur l'esclavage, la Guerre de Sécession, la paupérisation, etc.

Résumé : In the 1930s, the U.S. government famously sent photographers across the country to document on film the need for federal assistance in rural areas. Dorothea Lange’s well-known image Migrant Mother came from this effort, along with thousands of other photographs. Ben Shahn, Russell Lee, and Marion Post Wolcott contributed to this compelling body of images. As primary photographers for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) in the state of Louisiana, the three took more than 2,600 photographs, recording the modest homes, family gatherings, and working lives of citizens across the state. In Images of Depression-Era Louisiana, Bryan Giemza and Maria Hebert-Leiter curate more than 150 of those photographs, offering a riveting collection that captures this pivotal time in Louisiana’s history. The book’s stunning photo gallery, with original captions, provides a moving visual tour of Louisiana during a period of economic struggle and transition. Organized by photographer, parish, and date, the revealing images reflect an era when extreme poverty exacerbated the divide between classes and races. Scenes of agricultural and rural communities―families in clapboard houses, sugarcane cutters in the field, and trappers navigating bayous―as well as cityscapes of New Orleans’s bustling markets, busy docks, and peaceful Jackson Square demonstrate the scope of the photographers’ work and the diversity of conditions and occupations they found. Giemza and Hebert-Leiter trace the genesis of the FSA Collection, examine its role in promoting the documentary style of picture-taking, and explore the motivations and methods of the collection’s head, Roy E. Stryker. They sketch the biographies, techniques, and perspectives of Shahn, Lee, and Wolcott, explaining how the photographers operated in Louisiana from their first experiences to their last days in the state. Letters and other archival documents further illuminate the three artists’ impressions of Louisiana, its people, and its traditions. - Note de l'éditeur

Résumé : En novembre 1729, les Indiens Natchez de Louisiane attaquent les colons français et massacrent 200 personnes. Après avoir décrit le mode de vie des Natchez, l'étude présente les tensions qui existèrent dès le début de l'implantation française et qui aboutirent à la révolte. Son déroulement, les personnages qui y prirent part et les représailles françaises sont détaillés.

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