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  •    Auteur : M’Charek, A.
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Documents en rayon : 332

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Résumé : The Qur'an, believed by Muslims to be the word of God, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad 1400 years ago. Recognized as the greatest literary masterpiece in Arabic, the sacred text has nevertheless remained difficult to understand in its English translations. First published in 2004, M.A.S. Abdel Haleem's translation has been acclaimed for its success in avoiding archaism and cryptic language to produce a version that is both faithful to the original and easy to read. Now for the first time it is published with the original Arabic text to give a greater appreciation and understanding of the holy book. The traditional Arabic calligraphic pages are displayed alongside the English translation, which has been revised for this new edition. A useful general introduction on the revelation, stylistic features, issues of interpretation and translation of the Qur'an is included, together with summaries of each sura, essential footnotes and an index. The verses are individually numbered to facilitate comparison with the Arabic. It is an edition both for those familiar with the Qur'an and for those coming to it for the first time. - Note de l'éditeur

Résumé : This is a book about urban scaling theory, a highly analytical and mathematical approach to modeling the state of cities. Using this approach, cities are defined as complex systems, "independent socioeconomic and spatial (infrastructural) networks that coevolve to support each other" (p. 56), subject to growth and development patterns that are assumed to follow general laws. Drawing on these ideas, Bettencourt (Univ. of Chicago) has written a comprehensive, deeply considered assessment of urban development and the many theories that attempt to explain it. Among other topics, he considers urbanization, economic productivity and growth, neighborhood clustering, urban diversity, land rents, migration, and the origin of human settlements. Exploiting large data sets to test his hypotheses, Bettencourt finds that these urban qualities are responsive to the scale of cities; for example, productivity and neighborhood segregation increase with increasing city size. Of utmost importance are both urban connectivity and information, "the driver of temporal change" (p. 373). Replete with complex diagrams, statistical tables, and differential equations, this is a challenging work. For those fascinated by cities who possess the requisite mathematical skills and are in search of what cities have in common, Introduction to Urban Science is a resource without peer.

Résumé : Histoire des Vaudois depuis leur origine jusqu'à l'époque où ils furent circonscrits dans les limites des seules vallées du Piémont.

Résumé : La suite de l'histoire du mouvement vaudois, depuis le retour des Vaudois au sein de leur patrie à la fin du XVIIe siècle jusqu'à leur émancipation civile et politique en Piémont au XVIIIe siècle. ©Electre 2015

Résumé : Biographie de ce poète martiniquais, né en 1913, qui cherche à se dégager de la culture occidentale pour retrouver les sources de la négritude.

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