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Documents en rayon : 19

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Résumé : Réunit des réflexions sur le travail de Robert Rauschenberg (né en 1925), ce peintre nord-américain qui s'opposa au mouvement d'expressionnisme abstrait en niant la visée d'absolu et de sublime dans l'art, notamment à travers la célèbre série des White paintings.

Résumé : La vie et l'oeuvre de l'artiste qui, dans la lignée de M. Duchamp, pratique le happening, le collage, l'assemblage d'objets trouvés, etc., à travers une monographie, les textes d'entretiens avec la journaliste Dorothy Seckler et une biobibliographie.

Résumé : Essai sur les oeuvres de Rauschenberg de la période 1993-1999, les séries Synapsis shuffle, Arcadian reatreats, Anagram, Waterworks, évoquant la phénoménologie de Husserl, des écrivains et des artistes de la Renaissance française (Ronsard, Budé, Abraham Bosse, Palissy), les oeuvres rocailles du XVIIIe siècle, l'art primitif de la côte pacifique nord de l'Amérique, Leo Steinberg et Kurt Schwitters.

Résumé : Cet album réunit 89 photographies méconnues de l'artiste, des premiers photogrammes et cyanotypes réalisés pendant ses années d'étude aux portraits de ses amis artistes, C. Twombly, J. John, J. Cage et M. Cunningham, en passant par ses impressions de voyage en Italie et au Maroc.

Résumé : "Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) was a breaker of boundaries and a consummate collaborator He used silkscreen prints to reflect on American promise and failure melded sculpture and painting in works called combines and collaborated with engineers and scientists to challenge our thinking about art Through collaborations with John Cage Merce Cunningham and others Rauschenberg bridged the music dance and visualart worlds inventing a new art for the last half of the twentieth century Robert Rauschenberg is a work of collaborative oral biography that tells the story of one of the twentieth century's great artists through a series of interviews with key figures in his lifefamily friends former lovers professional associates studio assistants and collaborators The oral historian Sara Sinclair artfully puts the narrators' reminiscences in conversation with a focus on the relationship between Rauschenberg's intense social life and his art The book opens with a prologue by Rauschenberg's sister and then shifts to New York City's 1950s and '60s art scene populated by the luminaries of abstract expressionism It follows Rauschenberg's eventual move to Florida's Captiva Island and his trips across the globe illuminating his inner life and its effect on his and others' art The narrators share their views on Rauschenberg's work explore the curatorial thinking behind exhibitions of his art and reflect on the impact of the influx of money into the contemporary art market Included are artists famous in the own right such as Laurie Anderson and Brice Marden as well as artworld insiders and lesserknown figures who were part of Rauschenberg's inner circle"

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