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Documents en rayon : 10

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Résumé : L'evenienza della messa in sicurezza del patrimonio artistico del santuario delle Vergini a Macerata dopo le ripetute crisi sismiche degli scorsi anni, offre l'occasione per presentare i dipinti dello straordinario corredo della chiesa - uno degli esempi più belli di complesso decorativo "sistino", e di indagare l'evoluzione artistica nelle Marche alla fine del XVI secolo. Un panorama vivacissimo manifesta l'affiorare inquieto delle nuove tendenze naturaliste, nel profondo cambiamento veicolato nelle Marche specialmente dalla poetica degli affetti di Federico Barocci ma che comprende anche esiti delle novità caravaggesche. Dalla 'Maniera' alla 'Natura', in pittura e scultura.0Sono presenti opere, approfondimenti e novità di alcuni protagonisti tra cui Barocci, Taddeo e Federico Zuccari, Girolamo Muziano, Federico Brandani, Andrea Lilli, Simone De Magistris, Giovanni Baglione.0Il volume è completato da una sezione che propone un'ampia selezione dei cicli decorativi di epoca sistina diffusi nel territorio e nelle Marche, che danno una precisa e folgorante idea della ricchezza del patrimonio, individuando, altresì, una serie di incomparabili itinerari storico-artistici nei luoghi più suggestivi della regione--éd.

Résumé : Méditation sur le rapport de l'homme à la nature dans les paysages de l'Ouest sauvage américain. Si l'homme devait s'en aller, il ne faudrait pas beaucoup de temps pour que la nature sauvage reprenne sa place, fait remarquer cet écrivain qui a grandi en Angleterre, dans cette Europe où la nature est "seconde", puisque altérée à jamais par l'homme... ©Electre 2014

Résumé : The architectural critic Sigfried Giedion called him the “Magus of the North”: Alvar Aalto (1898–1976) is the best known Finnish architect of his generation and a chief proponent of a different, more human modernism. His buildings such as the Paimio Sanatorium (1933), the legendary Villa Mairea (1939) and the church of the Three Crosses in Vuoksenniska (1958) embody a masterful interplay of organic volumes, forms and materials. From door handles and lighting fixtures to built-in furniture, Aalto frequently designed complete interiors down to the smallest detail. With his plywood chairs, the master builder additionally became one of the most significant designers of the twentieth century. His Savoy Vase represents the quintessential qualities of Finnish and organic design. The richly illustrated book is the first in many years to offer a comprehensive and current overview of Aalto’s oeuvre as an architect, designer and urban planner. Ten authors, such as the renowned architectural historians Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen and Akos Moravanszky and MoMA curator Pedro Gadanho, address central aspects in Aalto’s work. Particular attention is directed to Aalto’s dialogue with important artists of his day, including Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Jean Arp, Alexander Calder and Fernand Léger, as well as his interest in film, cinema and photography whose influences on his work are examined here for the first time. The catalogue section presents numerous never-before-seen original drawings and architectural models from the archive of the Alvar Aalto Foundation. The new contemporary perspective on Alvar Aalto is complemented with photographs by Armin Linke who documented a number of Aalto’s buildings anew especially for this publication. As these images demonstrate: Aalto’s work is as current and inspiring today as at the time of its creation. (source : éditeur). Catalogue de l'exposition s'étant tenue au Vitra Design Museum du 27/09/2014 au 01/03/2015 et actuellement à la Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine du 09 mars au 1er juillet 2018

Résumé : Une étude philosophique sur le pluralisme et le statut du numérique, mis en lien avec une interprétation nouvelle de l'art préhistorique. L'auteur explore l'idée d'un monde des objectivations de l'esprit qui structurent la vie sociale, éthique et politique, en rapport avec les représentations du réel. ©Electre 2024

Résumé : Un choix d'oeuvres explorant les pistes d'un design durable, alternative aux modèles de production et de fabrication industrielles intégrant une forte dimension sociale et écologique. Il est complété par six essais d'historiens d'art et de spécialistes du design. ©Electre 2023

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