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Documents en rayon : 298

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Résumé : This monograph accompanies the first European retrospective of the work of Lee Krasner (1908-1984). One of the original abstract expressionists, Krasner's importance has for too long been eclipsed by her marriage to Jackson Pollock. In fact, his death in 1956 marked her renaissance as an artist. Over the course of more than five decades, Krasner continually scrutinized and reinvented her practice, giving her work formidable energy and impact. Her accomplishments began to be recognized toward the end of her life and in 1984 she became one of the few women artists to be given a solo exhibition at MoMA. As Krasner quipped about her belated recognition: "I was a woman, Jewish, a widow, a damn good painter, thank you, and a little too independent". This volume features an outstanding selection of her most important paintings, collages and drawings, contextualized by photography from the post-war period, an illustrated chronology, and includes an unpublished interview with her biographer Gail Levin. Tracing her evolution as an artist - from her earliest self-portraits to the acclaimed `little image' series, from her 1950s collages to epic painterly canvases - this book offers a vivid impression of one of the most tenacious women artists of the 20th century, whose work and life feels more relevant than ever today.

Résumé : Charles Francis Annesley (mieux connu sous ses initiales C. F. A.) Voysey (1857–1941) est, avec William Morris, l'un des designers les plus connus et les plus populaires du mouvement Arts & Crafts. Architecte en exercice, Voysey a également conçu une large gamme d'objets d'arts appliqués, allant du mobilier, de la céramique et de la ferronnerie au papier peint, tapis, carreaux et tissus. Ses dessins en deux dimensions, créés entre les années 1880 et le début des années 1930, figurent aujourd'hui parmi ses œuvres les plus connues. Ses papiers peints et son design pour le textile en particulier se caractérisent par des motifs répétitifs simples, stylisés et rythmés qui s'appuient pour leurs contours sur des formes trouvées dans le monde naturel. Les plantes abondent, mais aussi les animaux et les oiseaux, représentés sous forme de silhouettes ou dans des tons de pastel doux. Ce livre-cadeau magnifiquement conçu et à un prix accessible offre une multitude de dessins de Voysey dans lesquels les animaux et les oiseaux sont les principaux motifs. Avec un texte de Karen Livingstone, experte de l'oeuvre de Voysey et du mouvement Arts & Crafts, accompagné d'environ 110 illustrations en couleur provenant des vastes collections du Victoria and Albert Museum, ce livre rassemble non seulement des modèles achevés, mais aussi des dessins de projets au crayon et à l'aquarelle. (site de l'éditeur)

Résumé : The name Wedgwood has come to stand for something far beyond its illustrious and energetic founder: it has united art and industry; introduced design and artistic collaborations; and pioneered the development ofthe firm’s iconic blue-and-white jasperware. This book tells that story through design, reflecting the continuing role that Wedgwood and its designers, artists, and employees have played in setting trends—including collaborations with many British artists and designers such as Christopher Dresser, Eric Ravilious, and Keith Murray. Wedgwood continuously responds to the market and produces high-quality, desirable ceramicsfor a broad range of consumers, yet remains faithful to the traditions established by Josiah Wedgwood in the eighteenth century. The book presents highlights from the internationally renowned V&A Wedgwood Collection, praised by the Art Fund—one of the UK’s leading art organizations—as “one of the most important industrial archives,” containing around 80,000 objects. This archive reflects the unique proposition of Wedgwood’s business: by operating in both the ‘ornamental’ and ‘useful’ markets, Wedgwood has been able to bring innovative ceramic design to a broad and increasingly international clientele. These ceramics and their stories demonstrate the artistic heritage, craft, and innovation that have become synonymous with the Wedgwood name for more than 250 years.

Résumé : "This illustrated introduction to the history of the Islamic world offers a fresh approach to the subject. Told in six chapters, arranged both chronologically and thematically, it sheds light on Islamic culture from West Africa to Southeast Asia through art and artefacts, people and places, from its origins to the present day. From pre-Islamic works that provided a foundation for the arts of Islam, to masterpieces produced under the great empires, and objects that continue to be made today, this expansive survey traces the development of civilizations at the forefront of philosophical and scientific ideas, artistic and literary developments, and technological innovations, exploring a wealth of cultural treasures along the way." (jaquette)

Résumé : How do you find the most promising emerging artists at work in a rapidly transforming medium? Bypassing traditional art world channels, 100 Sculptors of Tomorrow is the culmination of a major, democratic open call for up-and-coming sculptors. From thousands of entries, an internationally renowned jury has identified the most exciting names in sculpture today, all showcased in this beautifully illustrated book. Following the much-respected 100 Painters of Tomorrow, which launched the careers of artists such as Michael Armitage, Yelena Popova, and Heman Chong, 100 Sculptors offers another powerful platform for artists and a fascinating, visually breathtaking experience for readers.

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