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Documents en rayon : 3

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Résumé : Ce guide constitue un support pour la réflexion et l'action de l'élu délégué à la participation citoyenne. Il fournit des clés pour mettre en oeuvre un projet local et transversal commun. ©Electre 2021

Résumé : Recueil de six nouvelles imaginées par des écrivains espagnols contemporains. ©Electre 2022

Résumé : Sommaire : Iranian History 1945-79 / Houchang Chehabi -- Historiography of Modern Iranian Art / Hamid Keshmirshekan -- Redefining Modernism: Pluralist Art Before the 1979 Revolution / Fereshteh Daftari -- The Formation of Modern Iranian Art: From Kamal-al-Molk to Zenderoudi / Layla S. Diba -- A Short History of Art Exhibitions in Iran, 1946-78 / Media Farzin -- Modern Iranian Architecture, 1941-79 / Nader Ardalan -- Interview with Kamran Diba / Nagar Azimi -- Perspectives on the Shiraz Arts Festival: A Radical Third World Rewriting / Vali Mahlouji -- KA MOUNTAIN AND GUARDenia TERRACE: A Story about a Family and Some People Changing, a 168 Hour Play for the 1972 Festival of Shiraz / Robert Wilson -- A Remarkable Oversight: Iranian Art Photography of the 1960s and 1970s / Hamid Severi -- Works in the Exhibition -- Historical Documents -- Foreword, Inaugural Tehran Biennial Catalogue, 1958 / Ehsan Yarshater -- Foreword, Tehran Biennial Catalogue, 1966 / Director General of Cultural Relations--Ministry of Culture and the Arts -- "Why Persian Carpets Fly! An art expert hits Iran to find out--and a lot more you need to know" / Arne Glimcher -- "Saqqakhaneh School Revisited" from Saqqakhaneh, 1977 / Karim Emami -- "The Saqqa-Khaneh" from Saqqakhaneh, 1977 / Peter Lamborn Wilson.. Oeuvres de : Ahmad Aali, Abbas, Massoud Arabshahi, Siah Armajani, Mohammad Ehsai, Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian, Mansour Ghandriz, Marcos Grigorian, Ghasem Hajizadeh, Nahid Hagigat, Bahman Jalali, Rana Javadi, Reza Mafi, Leyly Matine-Daftary, Ardeshir Mohassess, Bahman Mohassess, Nicky Nodjoumi, Houshang Pezeshknia, Faramarz Pilaram, Behjat Sadr, Abolghassem Saidi, Sohrab Sepehri, Parviz Tanavoli, Mohsen Vaziri-Moqaddam, Manoucher Yektai, and Charles Hossein Zenderoudi.

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