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Documents en rayon : 34

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Contenu : Side one : Practice Makes Perfect. French Film Blurred. Another the Letter. Men 2nd. Marooned. Sand in My Joints. Being Sucked In Again. Heartbeat. Side two : Mercy. Outdoor Miner. I Am the Fly. I Feel Mysterious Today. From the Nursery. Used To. Too Late

Résumé : Etude sur la progression narrative, thématique et esthétique au cours des cinq saisons de la série américaine "The Wire", ayant pour décor la ville de Baltimore.

Résumé : Une analyse de la série télévisée vue comme une exploration des règles sociales en vigueur dans le monde occidental et qui met en avant le caractère destructeur du capitalisme ultralibéral. ©Electre 2016

Résumé : As recently as the 1970s, many inmates in southern prisons lived and worked on prison farms that were not only modeled after the American slave plantation, but even occupied lands that literally were slave plantations before the Civil War, and on which working and living conditions had not changed much a century after the war. Bruce Jackson began visiting some of these prison farms in the 1960s to study black convict worksongs and folk culture. He took a camera along as means of visual note taking, but soon realized that he had an extraordinary opportunity to document a world whose harshness was so extreme that at least one prison had been declared unconstitutional. Allowed unsupervised access to prison farms in Texas and Arkansas, Jackson created an astonishing photographic record, most of which has never before been published in book form. Inside the Wire presents a complete, irreplaceable portrait of the southern prison farm. With freedom to wander the fields and facilities and hang out with inmates for extended periods, Jackson captured everything from the hot, backbreaking work of hand-picking cotton, to the cacophony and lack of all privacy in the cell blocks, to the grim solitude of death row. He also includes some early twentieth-century prisoner identification shots, taken by anonymous convict photographers for the prison files, that survive as profoundly evocative human portraits. These images and Jackson’s photographs document, as no previous work has, the humanity of the people and the inhumanity of the institutions in which they labor and languish. As Jackson says, “sometimes kindness happens with prison, but prison itself is a cruel world outsiders can scarcely imagine. I hope nothing in this book suggests otherwise.” - Note de l'éditeur

Résumé : Un état des lieux de la Jamaïque des années 1970 où règne la pauvreté, la violence, la frustration mais aussi la musique reggae et le mouvement rasta.

Résumé : Cette étude lève le voile sur les nombreux sujets abordés par David Simon dans ses séries, où il n'a de cesse d'interroger l'Amérique moderne dans toutes ses contradictions sociales et politiques : racisme, injustices sociales, défaillances institutionnelles, etc. Elle en explore les univers, durs et exigeants mais jamais dépourvus d'humour ou de foi dans le genre humain. ©Electre 2023

Résumé : L'alimentation, la reproduction, le toilettage, la santé, l'hygiène de ce chien.

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