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From Jeremy Bentham to Peter Singer

dans Centre Bentham

Auteur(s) : Dardenne, Emilie

  • Éditeur(s)
  • Date
    • 2010-09-13T02:00:00Z
  • Notes
    • IntroductionIn this paper I would like to compare two forms of utilitarianism: the late eighteenth-century doctrine systematized by Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and the philosophy advocated by its most visible contemporary proponent, Peter Singer (1946- ). Here is how the latter introduces the former in the headword “Ethics” of the Encyclopaedia Britannica:[…] Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) is properly considered the father of modern Utilitarianism. It was he who made the Utilitarian principle ser...
  • Langues
    • Anglais
  • Droits
    • info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess .
    • All rights reserved
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