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Grens land = Border land : History and future of the border landscape : Atlas, essays and design

Auteur(s) : Eker, Mark


Borderland is about the history and future of the zone straddling the Dutch border with Germany and Belgium. Although the internal borders in the European Union were opened more than twenty years ago, there is still no comprehensive and coordinated spatial vision for the borderland and the border. In this book, landscape architect and regional designer Mark Eker and political geographer and border expert Henk van Houtum are joined by artists, designers, scientists and policy makers in a study of the border landscape. The book is an atlas, a design study and essay collection combined. It contains provocative and inspiring ideas and design concepts to enhance borderland policies and cross-border collaborations. In some places the border is dissolved, while in other places it is emphasised in an almost theatrical manner.

  • Disponible - 914(422) EKE

    Niveau 2 - Géographie, urbanisme