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Gerhard Richter : abstraction

Exposition. Postdam, Museum Barberini. 2018


"Gerhard Richter has explored the possibilities of painting since the 1960s, and abstraction is one of his key themes. This publication is the first to focus on this central aspect of Richter's work. It contextualizes the artistic development and intellectual continuity of one of the most significant artists of our time. Over five decades, Richter has created diverse groups of works that are unified by recurring elements. By deliberately incorporating chance, he minimizes the artist's conscious control of the painting process. Richter emphasizes a grid structure over spontaneous creativity and draws a squeegee across entire canvasses. He eschews subjectivity and references outside of art. These abstract works function on their own terms

  • Disponible - 70"19" RICH.G 2

    Niveau 3 - Arts