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  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi


Le peuple rieur : hommage à mes amis innus


The book you are about to read tells the great walk of a very small people, he redone at once the path of his joy and his way of the cross. Present on the front lines of Champlain's travel diary, today as familiar as it is mysterious, the Innu nation has lived and survived for at least two thousand years in this part of North America that she named in her Nitassinan language: our earth. Throughout the chapters, you will accompany the young anthropologist that I was in the early 1970s, arrived in Ekuanitshit (Mingan). You guess, these little stories are pretexts to tell bigger ones. Those of a resilient people, a traditional society of nomadic hunters that has endured for centuries, a society whose foundations were shaken and broken between 1850 and 1950, while the government orchestrated the sedentarization of adults and education forced children. This story begins in the mists of time and continues through the centuries, to the political and cultural struggles of today. - Serge Bouchard

  • Disponible - 39(71) BOU

    Niveau 2 - Ethnologie