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Fantastic cities : american urban spaces in science fiction, fantasy, and horror


The mere mention of “the American City” conjures up images of towering steel and glass skyscrapers, modern buildings, busy streets, and a bustling population—an iconic image of American urban life. Yet cities are also organic, ever-changing, sometimes dying. In this impressive collection, the editors assembled essays that examine a variety of fantastic cities, ranging from Gotham City to the urban landscapes of Kim Stanley Robinson’s novels to virtual cities in video games and digital narratives. The contributors draw on architectural and social science theories to demonstrate how various views of the American city express both hope and fear about the future of the urban environment. The examples discussed are clearly explained and many are illustrated with screenshots from the films. This collection is the first to critically engage with how cities are represented in fantasy, horror, and science fiction. The essays are intriguing and will serve as a starting point for further research and analysis of fantastic urban landscapes.

  • Disponible - 913.28 FAN

    Niveau 2 - Géographie, urbanisme