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  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi


Tokyo before Tokyo : power and magic in the Shogun's city of Edo


Contemporary visitors to the Tokyo megalopolis may be forgiven for failing to ascertain what remnants of the city formerly known as Edo still lie beneath the contemporary cityscape. Those with an interest, however, will be greatly aided by Screech's new study, which excavates and resurrects urban history in a manner that eschews mere chronology, instead presenting a "selection of vignettes" that reveal the ways in which Edo was experienced by residents and visitors alike. Six chapters approach the city in relation to various operative models of the "ideal city" in premodern Japan, evaluating the design of the Shogun's city in relation to other domestic metropoles such as the imperial capital of Kyoto and the commercial hub of Osaka. Each chapter takes as its focus a distinct fulcrum around which meaning is made: the political environs of Edo castle, the city's sacred spaces, its pleasure districts, and the ways in which Edo contributed to the spheres of literature and poetry. The result is an eminently readable and enlightening sketch of the places and ideas that shaped daily life for the Shogun's urban subjects.

  • Disponible - 913.39(52) SCR

    Niveau 2 - Géographie, urbanisme