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Climatic architecture : Philippe Rahm architectes


"Because the building sector is responsible for 39% of global CO2 emissions, global warming imposes on architecture a climatic purpose, which involves considering energy, thermal and aeraulic issues in the design and choice of architectural forms and materials, in order to initially reduce the consumption of fossil fuels and thus limit greenhouse gas emissions. If this purpose is new, because it appeared at the end of the twentieth century, motivated by the climate emergency, putting an end to the immoderate use of coal, gas and oil, which was done during the twentieth century, the climate issue is actually at the origin of the appearance of architecture, its fundamental cause. The raison d'être of architecture is climatic. The architect must draw climates rather than geometric forms. Architecture is a meteorological formalization. Architecture is the art of building climates."
"This book is about climate and architecture. Written by the Swiss architect Philippe Rahm, it is at the same time a monograph on the architectural, urbanistic and landscape work of the office "Philippe Rahm architectes", a manifesto for a climatic architecture to face global warming, and a theoretical and practical treatise on the art of building atmospheres."

  • Indisponible : En catalogage