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  • Editeur : MIT
  • Aide
  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi

Documents en rayon : 127

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Résumé : Probabilistic foundations and background -- Melody I : the rhythm model -- Melody II : the pitch model -- Melody III : expectation and error detection -- A polyphonic key-finding model -- Applications of the polyphonic key-finding model -- Bayesian models of other aspects of music -- Style and composition -- Communicative pressure.

Résumé : An introduction, or my (ambiguous) life with technology / Steve Reich -- In through the out door: sampling and the creative act / Paul D. Miller -- The future of language / Saul Williams -- The ecstasy of influence: a plagiarism mosaic / Jonathan Lethem -- Roots and wires remix: polyrhythmic tricks and the black electronic / Erik Davis -- The life and death of media / Bruce Sterling -- Un-imagining utopia / Dick Hebdige -- Freaking the machine: a discussion about Keith Obadike’s sexmachines / Keith & Mendi Obadike -- Freeze frame: audio, aesthetics, sampling, and contemporary multimedia / Ken Jordan and Paul D. Miller -- A theater of ideas: an interview with Steve Reich and Beryl Korot on Three tales / David Allenby -- Quantum improvisation: the cybernetic presence / Pauline Oliveros -- The ghost outside the machine / Scanner aka Robin Rimbaud -- The musician as thief: digital culture and copyright law / Daphne Keller -- Integrated systems: mobile stealth unit / Beth Coleman and Howard Goldkrand -- An interview with Moby / Lucy Walker -- Zing! Went the strings / Joseph Lanza -- Renegade academia / Simon Reynolds -- The world of sound: a division of Raymond Scott Enterprises / Jeff E. Winner -- From hip-hip to flip-flop: black noise in the master-slave circuit / Ron Eglash -- South Africa’s rhythms of resistance / Lee Hirsch -- The virtual breeding of sound / Manuel DeLanda -- Zoom: mining acceleration / Liminal Product: Frances Dyson and Douglas Kahn -- An interview with Alex Steinweiss / Carlo McCormick -- Stop, hey, what’s that sound? / Ken Jordan -- Permuting connections: software for dancers / Scott deLahunta -- On improvisation, temporality, and embodied experience / Vijay Iyer -- Spin the painting: an interview with Nadine Robinson / Alondra Nelson -- Camera Lucida: three-dimensional sonochemical observatory / Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand -- Fear of a Muslim planet: hip-hop’s hidden history / Naeem Mohaiemen -- Three pieces / Chuck D -- Bells and their history / Brian Eno -- What one must do: comments and asides on musical philosophy / Daniel Bernard Roumain -- An interview with Pierre Boulez / Hans Ulrich Obrist and Philippe Parreno -- Adh’an: the sounds of an islamized orthodoxy / Ibrahim Quraishi -- Theatre of the spirits: Joseph Cornell and silence / Catherine Corman -- Where did the music go? / Jaron Lanier.

Résumé : Loin d'être un instrument de déshumanisation, les grilles sont des cadres puissants qui ont contribué à l'évolution de la société. H.B. Higgins analyse l'histoire de dix grilles qui ont changé le monde.

Résumé : Catalogue de l'exposition consacrée à la commissaire d'exposition et critique d'art américaine Lucy R. Lippard, célèbre pour ses écrits sur l'art conceptuel, en particulier "Six years : The dematerialization of the art object from 1966 to 1972". Elle y a recensé les oeuvres, expositions et textes témoignant de la dématérialisation de l'art.. Artistes présentés : Vito Acconci, Bas Jan Ader, Art & Language, Richard Artschwager, Alice Aycock, Jo Baer, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Jennifer Bartlett, Hilla and Bernd Becher, Joseph Beuys, Louise Bourgeois, George Brecht, Stanley Brouwn, Buren/Mosset/Parmentier/Toroni (BMPT), Hanne Darboven, Robert Fiore, Gilbert & George, Dan Graham, The Guerrilla Art Action Group, Hans Haacke, Allan Kaprow, On Kawara, Joseph Kosuth, Barry Le Va, Sol LeWitt, Bruce Nauman, Yoko Ono, Dennis Oppenheim, The Rosario Group, Edward Ruscha, Robert Ryman, Richard Serra, Seth Sieglaub, Robert Smithson, Michael Snow, William Wegman, Lawrence Weiner, Ian Wilson, Martha Wilson.

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