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  • Editeur : Hatje Cantz
  • Aide
  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi

Documents en rayon : 317

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Résumé : Contient : 01 Arq Arquitectos. - 57Studio. - +Arquitectos. - ADN Arquitectos. - Flaño Núñez Tuca Arquitectos. - Ricardo Abuauad. - Guillermo Acuña. - Acuña-Irarrázaval. - Alvano-Riquelme Arquitectos. - Mauricio Léniz. - Alejandro Aravena. - Elemental. - Verónica Arcos. - Assadi-Pulido. - Beals-Lyon Arquitectos. - Christian Beals. - Sebastián Bianchi. - Patricio Mardones. - Rodrigo Pérez de Arce. - Boza Arquitectos. - VSV Arquitectos. - Iván Bravo. - Enrique Browne. - Borja Huidobro. - Mario Pérez de Arce Antoncich. - Manuel Casanueva. - Eduardo Castillo. - Ramón Coz. - Marco Polidura. - Iñaki Volante. - José Cruz Ovalle. - Germán del Sol. - DRN Arquitectos. - Elion-Léniz. - Mario Figueroa. - Lucas Fehr. - Carlos Dias. - Far Frohn-Rojas. - FG Arquitectos. - Cristián Fernández. - Lateral Arquitectura y Diseño. - Teodoro Fernández Arquitectos. - Cecilia Puga. - Smiljan Radic. - Matías Gonzálza. - Rodrigo Saerle. - Gubbins Arquitectos. - Guillermo Hevia Arquitectos. - Rafael Hevia. - Rodrigo Duque. - Gabriela Manzi. - HLPS Arquitectos. - a4 Arquitectos. - Martín Hurtado Arquitectos. - Sebastián Irarrázaval. - Izquierro-Lehmann Arquitectos. - Raimundo Lira. - José Domingo Peñafiel. - Cazú Zegers. - Mathias Klotz. - Gonzalo Mardones. - Teresa Moller. - Alejandro Morales. - Alberto Mozó. - Pezo von Ellrichshausen. - Polidura-Talhouk Arquitectos. - Sabbagh Arquitectos. - Schmidt Arquitectos. - Juan Agustín Soza. - Hania Stambuk. - Supersudaka. - Tidy Arquitectos. - Undurraga-Deves Arquitectos. - WMR Arquitectos

Résumé : Fondée en 2001 par Alejandro Aravena l’agence Chilienne Elemental team est un « do tank » (un groupe où l'on agit, par opposition à un «think tank») dont le principe est la mise en œuvre de projets urbains d’intérêt social. Cette publication documente la dimension sociale de leur travail et met en lumière leurs stratégies de financement, comme par exemple le logement participatif.

Résumé : Franz Erhard Walther's art examines themes related to the categorization of art. Walther himself said that the elements of place, time, space, body, and language were his artistic means. He embodies the shift in the conceptual paradigm to an open-ended concept of the work of art, which includes the audience and the viewer as active participants, as almost no other artist does. The visionary potential of his expanded concept of art, and its enduring influence, has only become obvious today, in retrospect. Evidence of this is the retrospective at the Haus der Kunst in Munich, whose catalogue is dedicated to Walther's entire oeuvre. The show an interactive, experiential space provides visitors with the opportunity to gain a new perception of their own interiors and exteriors alike. Franz Erhard Walther (*1939, Fulda) is considered one of the trailblazers of a radically expanded spectrum of art. For this, he was awarded the Golden Lion at the Biennale di Venezia in 2017. For more than thirty years he was a professor at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg. He lives in Fulda.00Exhibition: Haus der Kunst, München, Germany (06.03. 02.08.2020)

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