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Documents en rayon : 157

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Résumé : En 1689, les aventures réelles d'un adolescent de 14 ans qui après divers événements dramatiques en mer (tempête, famine, pirates) se retrouve sur la côte des Cafres, région située entre la baie de la Table et le cap de Bonne-Espérance, et devient roi de la tribu des Xhosa. ©Electre 2023

Résumé : Divided by the Word refutes the assumption that the entrenched ethnic divide between South Africa's Zululs ad Xhosas, a divide that turned deadly in the late 1980s, is elemental to both societies. Jochen Arndt reveals how the current distinction between the two groups emerged from a long and complex interplay of indigenous and foreign-born actors, with often diverging ambitions and relationships to the world they shared and the languages they spoke. The earliest roots of the divide lie in the eras of exploration and colonization, when European officials and naturalists classified South Africa's indigenous population on the basis of skin color and language. Later, missionaries collaborated with African intermediaries to translate the Bible into the region's vernaculars, artificially creating distinctions between Zulu and Xhosa speakers. By the twentieth century, these foreign players, along with African intellectuals, designed language-education programs that embedded the Zulu-Xhosa divide in South African consciousness. Using archival sources from three continents written in multiple languages, Divided by the Word offers a refreshing new appreciation for the deep historicity of language and ethnic identity in South Africa while reconstructing the ways in which colonial forces generate and impose ethnic divides with long-lasting and lethal consequences for indigenous populations. -- dust jacket ; "This book argues that foreign missionaries and their African interlocutors deliberately forged separate Zulu and Xhosa languages in the nineteenth century, tracing the consequences of this imposed linguistic division through the twentieth century"

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