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Résumé : Une biographie de l'avocat, député et seizième président des Etats-Unis, qui signa la mise en application de l'émancipation des esclaves et qui fut assassiné au début de son second mandat. ©Electre 2016

Résumé : There is no greater symbol of the American presidency than Abraham Lincoln. Though, Lincoln himself, his personality, the sources of his dedication and his idealism, remains very much a mystery. The sudden rise to world stature of a hard-traveling lawyer from the frontier, with no prominent family or social connections to back him, was a wonder of the age. Well over a thousand books about Lincoln have been written and still the enigma remains, perhaps because it is the enigma of a young country finding its footing and its destiny. Yet, no part is deeper, more perplexing, than Lincoln’s own beliefs about god and destiny. Lincoln For Beginners sets to demystify the man behind the legend. - Note de l'auteur

Résumé : De la cabane en bois de son enfance à son assassinat en 1865, l'ascension d'A. Lincoln illustre le mythe du rêve américain. Né en 1809 dans les forêts du Kentucky, tenu à l'écart des études, Lincoln devient avocat après s'être instruit lui-même. Il se lance dans la vie politique locale et passe deux ans au Congrès fédéral avant d'être élu à la Maison-Blanche en 1860.

Résumé : When Abraham Lincoln issued his final Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, he not only freed the slaves in the Confederate states but also invited freed slaves and free persons of color to join the U.S. Army as part of the U.S. Colored Troops (USCT), the first systematic, large-scale effort by the U.S. government to arm African Americans to aid in the nation’s defense. By the end of the war in 1865, nearly 180,000 black soldiers had fought for the Union. Lincoln’s role in the arming of African Americans remains a central but unfortunately obscure part of one of the most compelling periods in American history. In Lincoln and the U.S. Colored Troops John David Smith offers a concise, enlightening exploration of the development of Lincoln’s military emancipation project, its implementation, and the recruitment and deployment of black troops.

Résumé : La biographie d'Abraham Lincoln, de "l'avocat des prairies" de l'Illinois à la présidence des Etats-Unis marquée par la guerre de Sécession et l'abolition de l'esclavage. L'accent est mis sur le génie politique de cet homme, mais aussi sur ses qualités humaines et ses drames personnels.

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