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  •    Sujet : British library
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  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi

Documents en rayon : 5

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Résumé : This book investigates the interaction between word and image in medieval Persian art. Greater Iranian arts from the 10th to the 16th century are technically some of the finest produced anywhere. They are also intellectually engaging, showing the lively interaction between the verbal and the visual arts. Focusing on objects found in the main media at the time, Sheila S. Blair shows how artisans played with form, material and decoration to engage their audiences. She also shows how the reception of these objects has changed and that their present context has implications for our understanding of the past. It is lavishly illustrated in colour. It features five case studies - on ceramics, metalwares, painting, architecture and textiles - that showcase the variety of Persian art. It investigates the interaction between the visual and the verbal in a multi-lingual society. It looks at the transformation of everyday objects into works of art. It is written by one of the foremost experts in Persian art

Résumé : Propose la traduction annotée d'un manuscrit retrouvé au British Museum, rassemblant les sentences rendues par Bernard Gui, inquisiteur de Toulouse, contre des hérétiques cathares, vaudois ou béguins. L'élaboration d'une pratique inquisitoriale, indispensable à l'activité de l'Office de l'inquisition est révélée. Avec des tableaux et une carte pour retracer relations et filiations des accusés.

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