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Documents en rayon : 8

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Résumé : La célèbre moniale du XIe siècle livre ici des recettes de remèdes qui expriment une sorte de sagesse médicale, transmises de l'Antiquité ou recueillies dans l'usage populaire.

Résumé : Fashion Portfolio est un guide pratique pour la création d'un portfolio efficace, mettant l'accent sur la valeur de la narration personnalisée. Son objectif est d'aider les créateurs à atteindre une clarté visuelle et conceptuelle dans la représentation de leur potentiel et de leur travail. Le livre comprend également une section sur les différents parcours professionnels de la mode fournissant des conseils de carrière non seulement pour les créateurs en herbe, mais aussi pour tous ceux qui cherchent à évoluer dans cette industrie. © Interart

Résumé : La lingua batte dove il dente duole, e il dente che duole alla fin fine è sempre lo stesso. L'unica rivoluzione possibile è smettere di piangerci su. In questo romanzo esilarante e feroce, Veronica Raimo apre una strada nuova. Racconta del sesso, dei legami, delle perdite, del diventare grandi, e nella sua voce buffa, caustica, disincantata esplode il ritratto finalmente sincero e libero di una giovane donna di oggi. Niente di vero è la scommessa riuscita, rarissima, di curare le ferite ridendo.

Résumé : La jaquette indique : "Nel suo secondo romanzo Milena Agus racconta la storia di una donna (nonna della narratrice), della sua vita, del suo matrimonio e dei suoi amori. In quest'ordine, appunto, perché alla nonna tutto capita un po' in ritardo, quando ormai non ci spera più. A cominciare dal matrimonio tardivo con un uomo che, ospitato dalla famiglia, si sdebita sposandola. E l'amore, quell'amore vagheggiato e sognato da tutti i personaggi di Milena Agus con tanto sfortunato ardore, arriva inaspettato, durante una cura termale per curare il "mal di pietre", i calcoli renali. Il mal di pietre finisce cosi con l'identificarsi col mal d'amore e trascinare l'eroina in una vicenda di assoluta, impensata felicità con il Reduce, un uomo zoppo e sposato, che soffre dello stesso male. Perfetto e unico come una pietra preziosa, questo romanzo di Milena Agus ne conferma le grandi qualità di scrittura e di invenzione narrativa."

Résumé : Le filtre planté de roseaux (FPR) est un procédé d'épuration des eaux usées. Destiné au personnel de terrain et aux gestionnaires des stations, ce guide ponctué d'exemples concrets et d'illustrations détaille les règles élémentaires de son exploitation en trois parties : l'entretien courant, le faucardage et le curage. Avec un calendrier de synthèse.

Résumé : "Using interviews as primary sources this book shines a light on the infamous Portuguese massacre of Wiriyamu in colonial Mozambique in 1972. Twenty-four carefully curated testimonies are presented, covering Portugal's last colonial war in Mozambique, and the nationalist response that led to the massacre. Survivors share with you their escape from Wiriyamu, while data collectors, priests and journalists tell of their struggle to collect evidence and defend the truth about the killings in the international press. The Wiriyamu Massacre contextualizes the unique importance of the oral evidence it contains and reveals the in-depth interview methods used to gather the oral testimonies, and subsequently curate the transcript into readable texts. This is the horrific story of Wiriyamu, and what it can tell you about European colonialism, genocide and the darkness in humanity, spoken by the people who were there and who tried to tell the world."

Résumé : In the 1930s, the U.S. government famously sent photographers across the country to document on film the need for federal assistance in rural areas. Dorothea Lange’s well-known image Migrant Mother came from this effort, along with thousands of other photographs. Ben Shahn, Russell Lee, and Marion Post Wolcott contributed to this compelling body of images. As primary photographers for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) in the state of Louisiana, the three took more than 2,600 photographs, recording the modest homes, family gatherings, and working lives of citizens across the state. In Images of Depression-Era Louisiana, Bryan Giemza and Maria Hebert-Leiter curate more than 150 of those photographs, offering a riveting collection that captures this pivotal time in Louisiana’s history. The book’s stunning photo gallery, with original captions, provides a moving visual tour of Louisiana during a period of economic struggle and transition. Organized by photographer, parish, and date, the revealing images reflect an era when extreme poverty exacerbated the divide between classes and races. Scenes of agricultural and rural communities―families in clapboard houses, sugarcane cutters in the field, and trappers navigating bayous―as well as cityscapes of New Orleans’s bustling markets, busy docks, and peaceful Jackson Square demonstrate the scope of the photographers’ work and the diversity of conditions and occupations they found. Giemza and Hebert-Leiter trace the genesis of the FSA Collection, examine its role in promoting the documentary style of picture-taking, and explore the motivations and methods of the collection’s head, Roy E. Stryker. They sketch the biographies, techniques, and perspectives of Shahn, Lee, and Wolcott, explaining how the photographers operated in Louisiana from their first experiences to their last days in the state. Letters and other archival documents further illuminate the three artists’ impressions of Louisiana, its people, and its traditions. - Note de l'éditeur

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