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  •    Auteur : Herkenhoff, Paulo (1949-....)
  • Aide
  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi

Documents en rayon : 5

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Résumé : Etude sur Louise Bourgeois, sculptrice influente, dont l'oeuvre s'apparente aux mouvements tels que le surréalisme, l'expressionnisme abstrait et le féminisme. Artiste solitaire qui pratiquait également le dessin et l'écriture, elle n'accorda dans sa vie qu'une seule interview à P. Herkenhoff.

Résumé : A founding member of Brazil's Neoconcrete movement, Lygia Pape (1927-2004) pioneered a unique approach to abstraction and valued art that favored the primacy of viewers' sensorial experiences. This catalog, published on the occasion of Lygia Pape's solo exhibition at Hauser & Wirth New York in fall 2018, brings together a variety of works from the artist's rich oeuvre, from sculptures, prints and paintings to installations and films. It focuses particularly on the series 'Tecelares' (1952-59), 'Ttéias' (2003) and 'Amazoninos' (1989-2003). Designed by Damien Saatdjian, the publication includes a 2009 conversation between Pape's daughter Paula Pape, curator Paulo Herkenhoff and poet Ferreira Gullar; as well as a newly commissioned text by art historian Alexander Alberro that explores multisensorial art with a focus on the works surveyed here. Exhibition: Hauser & Wirth, New York, USA (06.09-20.10.2018).

Résumé : Album du photographe publié à l'occasion de l'exposition de ses oeuvres à la Maison européenne de la photographie (sept. -nov. 2005).

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