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Documents en rayon : 3

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Résumé : Mélange d'archéologie pure, histoire, géographie, environnementalisme... Propose une lecture renouvelée des sociétés urbaines et rurales de l'époque.

Résumé : It has been clear for many years that the ways in which archaeology is practised have been a direct product of a particular set of social, cultural, and historical circumstances - archaeology is always carried out in the present. More recently, however, many have begun to consider how archaeological techniques might be used to reflect more directly on the contemporary world itself: how we might undertake archaeologies of, as well as in the present. This Handbook is the first comprehensive survey of an exciting and rapidly expanding sub-field and provides an authoritative overview of the newly emerging focus on the archaeology of the present and recent past. In addition to detailed archaeological case studies, it includes essays by scholars working on the relationships of different disciplines to the archaeology of the contemporary world, including anthropology, psychology, philosophy, historical geography, science and technology studies, communications and media, ethnoarchaeology, forensic archaeology, sociology, film, performance, and contemporary art. This volume seeks to explore the boundaries of an emerging sub-discipline, to develop a tool-kit of concepts and methods which are applicable to this new field, and to suggest important future trajectories for research. It makes a significant intervention by drawing together scholars working on a broad range of themes, approaches, methods, and case studies from diverse contexts in different parts of the world, which have not previously been considered collectively. - Note de l'éditeur

Résumé : Présentation de l'archéologie moderne, de la Renaissance à nos jours illustrée des fouilles des années 1980 sous la future pyramide du Louvre, des épaves de frégates corsaires, des fosses communes des derniers conflits mondiaux, etc. Au total 5 siècles d'archéologie traitant des campagnes, du milieu urbain, de l'industrie, de la production de céramique, des voyages et du culte. Ainsi se dessine une définition plus large encore de l'archéologie, celle de la connaissance des sociétés à travers leurs traces et leurs équipements matériels, contribuant alors à une science totale de l'homme, à une anthropologie générale.

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