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Documents en rayon : 10

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Résumé : Piscine inaugurée en 1929, Molitor, dans le 16e arrondissement de Paris, est devenu en 2014 un complexe avec hôtel, restaurant, bar et toit-terrasse. Panorama des ambiances, décors et espaces intérieurs après opérations de réhabilitation. ©Electre 2017

Résumé : Construite en 1929, la piscine Molitor, symbole de l'architecture Art déco, est contrainte de fermer ses portes en 1989. Un an plus tard, elle est classée aux Monuments historiques. A l'occasion de ses travaux de rénovation et de sa réouverture, cet album retrace l'histoire de ce bâtiment et son incroyable résurrection. ©Electre 2019

Résumé : Membre de Globalization monitor (à Hongkong), l'auteur revient sur les transformations des trente dernières années en Chine, au cours desquelles le régime chinois s'est ouvert au capitalisme et aux investissements étrangers. Il étudie les réformes de Deng Xiaoping, se penche sur les contradictions de la bureaucratie et analyse les différentes formes de résistance sociale.

Résumé : A travers l'histoire de deux amies de pensionnat, l'intelligente et arriviste Becky Sharp et la sentimentale et naïve Amelia Sedley, l'auteur présente une fresque de l'ère victorienne sur fond de guerres napoléoniennes. Il critique la corruption et les travers de la régence anglaise. ©Electre 2019

Résumé : Shigeko Kubota was one of the first artists to commit to video in the early 1970s, drawn to its freedom from precedent and its expressive potential. Treating recently introduced portable video equipment like a “new paintbrush,” she interwove conceptual concerns and formal experimentation to create hypersaturated, otherworldly explorations of identity, memory, technology, and the natural landscape. She proposed a life for video beyond the constraints of the television monitor with her pioneering video sculptures, which combine the “energy of electrons” with three-dimensional forms made from raw materials like plywood and sheet metal, and often incorporate mirrors and flowing water. Prismatic in their layering of images and meanings yet economical in form, Kubota’s poetic, hybrid works continue to resonate. Published in conjunction with the first solo exhibition of the artist’s work at a museum in the United States in twenty-five years, Shigeko Kubota: Liquid Reality provides fresh perspectives on a selection of key video sculptures made through the mid-1980s. In-depth readings, as well as drawings, documentary photographs, and archival ephemera, illuminate her creative process and situate her in the vibrant New York art scene of the day, to which she contributed not only with her own bold multidisciplinary language but with her tireless advocacy for her chosen medium and its diverse practitioners.

Résumé : Le 5 juillet 1946, le bikini, petit maillot de bain deux-pièces noué sur le côté, était présenté à la piscine Molitor, à Paris. Peu porté durant la première décennie de son existence car trop osé, il conquit le public avec Brigitte Bardot, non sans scandale, puis habilla Ursula Andress, Marilyn Monroe, Laetitia Casta, Romy Schneider, Sophie Marceau, etc. Retour sur un accessoire de mode iconique. ©Electre 2016

Résumé : The curator who founded MoMA's video program recounts the artists and events that defined the medium's first 50 years. Since the introduction of portable consumer electronics nearly a half century ago, artists throughout the world have adapted their latest technologies to art-making. In this book, curator Barbara London traces the history of video art as it transformed into the broader field of media art - from analog to digital, small TV monitors to wall-scale projections, and clunky hardware to user-friendly software. In doing so, she reveals how video evolved from fringe status to be seen as one of the foremost art forms of today.

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