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Documents en rayon : 49

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Résumé : Durant l'été, une écrivaine britannique dont on ne sait rien, pas même le prénom, part séjourner à Athènes. Dans l'avion ou à une terrasse de café, plusieurs personnes viennent se confier à elle. Disponible et passive, la narratrice devient poreuse à tout et sa propre vie se met à transparaître en filigrane. ©Electre 2016

Résumé : L'ouvrage comprend des notions de cours, de nombreux schémas et des exercices résolus pour s'entraîner.

Résumé : Présente les concepts clés, les principes et tout le vocabulaire des circuits électriques. Aborde les amplificateurs et les circuits à amplis OPS, le traitement du signal et les filtres actifs, les bases de l'utilisation de Spice et Pspice et donne des explications claires sur les quadripôles, la transformée de Fourier, etc.

Résumé : Un ouvrage qui synthétise l'ensemble des fondamentaux en immunologie depuis la constitution du système immunitaire à son fonctionnement naturel en passant par les techniques immunologiques utilisées en thérapeutique. ©Electre 2019

Résumé : Histoire chronologique du pays de Galles depuis la préhistoire qui met en relief les étapes et les personnalités fondatrices de la civilisation de ce territoire ainsi que ses liens culturels avec l'ensemble des pays celtiques. ©Electre 2017

Résumé : Cet essai contient les conclusions et la philosophie que Gunnar Myrdal a tirées des enquêtes qu'il a dirigées dans le Tiers Monde (elles ont été publiées dans Asian drama en 1968). Cette analyse lucide et précise prend souvent l'allure d'un réquisitoire. Pour la première fois un économiste progressiste ose dire aux sous-développés de prendre leur destin en main et il fait en même temps le procès des technocrates occidentaux. L'étude s'achève par le catalogue des réformes indispensables dans le domaine de l'agriculture, de la démographie, de l'éducation et aussi dans l'état d'esprit nécessaire à l'affrontement de ces problèmes.

Résumé : L'histoire des relations politiques entre l'Angleterre et l'Ecosse depuis le retrait de l'occupant romain au Ve siècle jusqu'à l'union des deux pays en 1707. Pour l'auteur, cette association apparaît comme l'aboutissement logique d'un processus de convergence culturelle. ©Electre 2017

Résumé : Un roman à tiroirs dont les multiples récits forment une ronde, comme celle des destins qui se croisent et s'entrecroisent, et qui constituent une vaste fresque historique, de 1789 à 1860, couvrant les événements de cette période en Russie, Pologne, France, Perse et en Inde. Un premier roman écrit comme un pastiche des grands romans russes du XIXe siècle.

Résumé : Ni vivos ni muertos is a journalistic investigation that reveals the terrible outcomes of the disappearances in Mexico. After doing extensive research throughout the country as well as interviewing family members of those who have disappeared, political scientists, activists, historians, politicians, and victims themselves, Mastrogiovanni draws out a complex outline of a phenomenon that seems to have no beginning and no end. While tracing out this outline, the author follows the investigation of the Rosendo Radilla Pacheco disappearance from the 1970s; he was a social activist from Guerrero in the times of the "dirty war". Mastrogiovanni takes his research through until current times where endless violence has become the norm. As he continues on with research, he realizes that disappearances are not just random happenings, but instead they are terror strategies that are useful to the government and ones from which organize crimes, Ni vivos ni muertos Not Alive, Not Yet Dead as well as transnational oil corporations also benefit from. - Note de l'éditeur

Résumé : In past times residences and country houses was a central themes of architecture. For hundreds of years talented architects influenced style and won fame for their buildings and their owning families.This new volume in the series Construction and Design Manual provides a substantial introduction to the topic - a comprehensive outline of this area of architecture history supported by some 20 examples and large-scale photographs by the internationally renowned architectural photographer Werner Huthmacher

Résumé : Near to one billion people call slums their home, making it a reasonable claim to describe our world as a "planet of slums." But how has this hard and unyielding way of life been depicted on screen? How have filmmakers engaged historically and across the globe with the social conditions ofwhat is often perceived as the world's most miserable habitats?Combining approaches from cultural, globalization and film studies, Igor Krstic outlines a transnational history of films that either document or fictionalize the favelas, shantytowns, barrios poulares or chawls of our "planet of slums", exploring the way accelerated urbanization has intersectedwith an increasingly interconnected global film culture. From Jacob Riis' How The Other Half Lives (1890) to Danny Boyle's Slumdog Millionaire (2008), the volume provides a number of close readings of films from different historical periods and regions to outline how contemporary film and mediapractices relate to their past predeccesors, demonstrating the way various filmmakers, both north and south of the equator, have repeatedly grappled with, rejected or continuously modified documentary and realist modes to convey life in our "planet of slums". (source éditeur)

Résumé : "Powerfully posing questions of ethics, ideology, authorship and form, documentary film has never been more popular than it is today. Edited by one of the leading British authorities in the field, 'The Documentary Film Book' is an essential guide to current thinking on documentary film. In a series of fascinating essays, key international experts discuss the theory of documentary, outline current understandings of its history (from pre-Flaherty to the post-Griersonian world of digital 'i-Docs'), survey documentary production (from Africa to Europe, and from the Americas to Asia), consider documentaries by marginalised minority communities, and assess its contribution to other disciplines and arts. Brought together here in one volume, these scholars offer compelling evidence as to why, over the last few decades, documentary has come to the centre of screen studies."--Page 4 of cover

Résumé : "Material culture studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the relationships between people and their things: the production, history, preservation, and interpretation of objects. It draws on theory and practice from disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, such as anthropology, archaeology, history, and museum studies. Written by leading international scholars, this Handbook provides a comprehensive view of developments, methodologies and theories. It is divided into five broad themes, embracing both classic and emerging areas of research in the field. Chapters outline transformative moments in material culture scholarship, and present research from around the world, focusing on multiple material and digital media that show the scope and breadth of this exciting field. Written in an easy-to-read style, it is essential reading for students, researchers and professionals with an interest in material culture."--Back cover

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