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Livre numérique

Under Pressure : Understanding and managing the pressure and stress of work

Auteur(s) : Sartain, Denis

  • Éditeur(s)
  • Date
    • 2011
  • Notes
    • Everyone needs a certain level of pressure in order to achieve things at work. But when we go beyond pressure, we start to experience stress which is negative, counter-productive and potentially disastrous. Yet stress, especially at work, is a subject that is often ignored because to recognise it can be interpreted as a sign of weakness.This book looks at the challenges facing people in today’s fast-moving world where the issues encountered by people at all levels in organisations are unprecedented. It provides practical techniques to help people cope with a much misunderstood but potentially devastating and naturally occurring state: stress. It gives readers a clear understanding of one the most difficult subjects to define and ways to deal with a topic that is usually only recognised when the results are dramatic and potentially damaging. How to cope with stress – the new disease of modern-day work – before it strikes you down. Experts in stress management provide practical information and advice on dealing with pressure and stress at work. Research indicates that 73% of office workers feel worried, stressed or depressed in relation to their work. Recent suicides at multinational companies reflect the real nature of stress and the potential damage it can cause. Controversial topic - wide review coverage expected in business and general media.
  • Langues
    • Anglais
  • ISBN
    • 9789814302630
  • Droits
    • copyrighted
  • Résultat de :
  • Consultable à la Bpi