• Aide
  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi


French for beginners


Méthode pour anglophones avec du vocabulaire et des phrases très simples et de nombreuses illustrations : Saying hello - What is your name - Finding out what things are called - Where do you come from - More about you - Talking about your family - Your home - Looking fot things - What do you like eating - Table talk - Your hobbies - Telling the time - Arranging things - Asking where places are - Finding your way aroundGoing shopping - More shopping and going to a cafe - The months and seasons - Colours and numbers.

  • Disponible - AF 84(052) WIL

    Niveau 2 - Autoformation

  • Disponible - AF 84(052) WIL

    Niveau 2 - Autoformation

  • Consultable à la Bpi