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Katinka Bock : Intenso

Exposition. Winterthur, Kunst Museum. 2018

Exposition, Mudam Luxembourg. 2018

Exposition. Villeurbanne, Institut d'art contemporain. 2018


Katinka Bock’s sculptures and installations emerge through intermediary, transitory, or precarious stages. Physical processes such as evaporation, heat, and the circulation of flows are apparent, often through the alteration of materials by interaction with the external environment. This book marks the occasion of three exhibitions that Bock will present in the space of one year, and is conceived as a preamble to the series of shows. Produced in close collaboration with Roger Willems and Louis Lüthi, it focuses on what Bock describes as the “periphery” in her work: photographs that show surfaces, fragments, objects, actions, and forms at rest or manipulated by the artist.

  • Disponible - 70"20" BOCK.K 1

    Niveau 3 - Arts