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  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi


Mario Merz : Time is Mute : [Exposition, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, du 10 octobre 2019 au 29 mars 2020]

Exposition. Madrid, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia. 2019-2020

Auteur(s) : Pinteno, Alicia


This retrospective on the work of Mario Merz (Milan, Italy, 1925 – Milan, Italy, 2003) surveys the provenance of a body of work suspended in a kind of pre-historic time, at odds with the discourse of modern-era history. This anachronistic perspective, apparent in the choice of materials and iconography, stems from the ideological and committed stance of an artist and his relation to the political and intellectual climate in Italy in the 1960s and 1970s.Exhibition: Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain (11.10.2019 - 29.03.2020).

  • Disponible - 70"19" MERZ 2

    Niveau 3 - Arts