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Geostatistics for environmental applications : geoEnv 2014 : book of abstracts


Autrefois appliquée seulement à des problèmes d'évaluation des réserves ou à la caractérisation des réservoirs de pétrole, la géostatistique est maintenant utilisée dans un nombre croissant de disciplines en sciences de l'environnement. Les quarante contributions portent sur les nouveaux domaines de cette discipline. ©Electre 2014

  • Contributeur(s)
  • Éditeur(s)
  • Date
    • 2014
  • Notes
    • En anglais
  • Langues
    • Français
  • Description matérielle
    • 1 vol. (200 p.) ; 24 x 16 cm
  • Collections
  • Sujet(s)
  • ISBN
    • 978-2-35671-136-6
  • Indice
    • 551 Géologie générale
  • Quatrième de couverture
    • For its tenth edition, the Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications took place at the former Ecole des Mines de Paris now Mines ParisTech where Georges Matheron developed the foundations of Geostatistics and numerous renowned researchers followed in his footsteps

      From July 9 until July 11 more than 170 experts on geostatistics applied to environmental problems gathered at Mines ParisTech to attend this tenth edition of geoENV. This book contains the abstracts of all presentations covering fields such as Geostatistical theory and new methodologies stochastic simulations, spatiotemporal processes, surface and subsurface hydrology inverse modeling, air quality, climate change, soil contamination, pedology, ecology, natural resources, health, epidemiology, CO2 sequestration forestry, agriculture, and remote sensing.

  • Tables des matières
      • The 10th International

      • Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications

      • Nicolas Jeannée et Thomas Romary

      • Survey of methods to define the equivalent permeability Kij in heterogeneous, composite, and fractured media1
      • Wave propagation in randomly heterogeneous geologic media : space-time structure and upscaling2
      • A new class of anisotropy models3
      • Geostatistical 3D geomechanical models constrained by pre-stack seismic data4
      • A model-based geostatistical approach for skewed radioactivity data6
      • Simulation of hudraulic heterogeneity and upscaling permeability and dispersivity in heterogeneous sandy-clay formation7
      • Enhanced edge based algorithm for thermal image sharpening9
      • Functional kriging in oceanography : predicting chlorophyll-a profiles10
      • A pragmatic approach to estimate probabilities of exceeding limit values in air quality. Application to PM10 and O311
      • Conditional simulations for fields of extreme precipitation12
      • Algorithms for conditional simulation of max-stable processes13
      • Geostatistical modeling of heavy metal stream sediment samples14
      • Geostatistical generation of precipitation time series to consider wet deposition in atmospheric dispersion modeling15
      • The use of Geostatistics for data assimilation in operational oceanography16
      • Methodology for simulating fractures in a fault zone : Analysis of the data from « cirque de Navacelles »17
      • On the spatial interpolation of biodiversity indices19
      • Geometrical modeling of karstic diagenesis in carbonate systems20
      • An neural network residual cokriging approach to predict soil separates in a Mediterranean basin21
      • Building a geological reference platform using sequence stratigraphy combined with geostatistical tools23
      • Building piezometric maps : contribution of geostatistical tools25
      • A new parametric class of cross-covariance functions for multivariate spatio-temporal random fields27
      • Estimation of coefficients of thermal response test : the choice of the coordinates space of the random function28
      • Updating the soil map of the Netherlands in areas with peat soils29
      • Structural analysis and modeling choice for air quality data31
      • Particulate matter and meteorological conditions : a multivariate spatio-temporal analysis32
      • Geostatistical methodologies for spatial accuracy assessment and update of land cover maps33
      • Integration of EMI sensor data in soil sampling scheme optimization using continuous simulated annealing34
      • Stochastic inverse modelling of groundwater flow using proxy simulations based on DFN models36
      • How to check for connectivity in Geomodels38
      • Development of a 3D geometric model for a scarce data multi-level aquifer system based on inequality-constrained kriging case of the « Jeffara de Medenine » aquifer (SE Tunisia)40
      • A multivariate nonstationary covariance function for automatic classification of remotely sensed hyperspectral data42
      • Tool for the identification of significant and sustained upward trends in groundwater in accordance with the water framework directive43
      • Geostatistical study to support sustainable remediation of a site with historical lead impact44
      • Spatial prediction of bulk density estimates obtained with pedotransfer functions46
      • Multiscale spatial modelling of radioactive pollutions with a kernel learnning algorithm47
      • Experimental variograms of the underlying Gaussian random functions in the truncated Pluri-Gaussian models49
      • Geostatistical deconvolution with non destructive measurements for radiological characterization of contaminated facilities50
      • Calculation of annual 90th percentile on time-series of nitrate concentrations in surface water52
      • Risk assessment of soil compaction in Walloon region (Belgium)53
      • Space-time model to predict atmospheric pollutant concentration levels based on block sequential simulation55
      • Digital soil mapping of chemical properties, pH and AI, the North, North-west and Serrana region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil57
      • Trace element abundance and renal disease in northern Ireland58
      • A generalized convolution model and estimation for non-stationary random fields59
      • Estimation of non-stationary random fields through space deformation60
      • Methodological and practical aspects of geostatistical bootstrap for quantifying global and local soil contamination uncertainty61
      • Applying geostatistics to estimate TCE soil characterization and improve associated remediation cost62
      • Bayesian data fusion applied to soil drainage classes spatial mapping64
      • Multivariate max-stable spatial processes66
      • Comparison of PEST's null space Monte Carlo with a Bayesian approach67
      • Beyond ensemble Kalman filter68
      • Kriging for data collected over large areas of the Earth's surface69
      • Geostatistical analysis of geophysical properties in a geothermal reservoir study70
      • Field sampling and analytical measurements for validation of geostatistical interpolation of airborne gamma-ray data71
      • Geometrical characterization of precious marble natural ressources by statistical analysis of structural data from the Apuan Alps (Italy)73
      • Hydraulic parameterization of 3d subsurface models : from measurementscale to model-scale74
      • A spatially-varying coefficient model for the air pollution mapping76
      • Kriging based modelling of the 3D chemical composition of soil by integrating 2D chemical maps with 3D X-ray computed micro-tomographic images of soils78
      • Realistic non-stationary spatial interpolation80
      • Inverting hydraulic heads in an alluvial aquifer constrained with electrical resistivity tomography data through multiple-point statistics and probability perturbation method : a case study81
      • Much ado about spatial uncertainty83
      • Fast conditional simulation of spatial random fields with equality and inequality constraints and arbitrary marginals84
      • Geophysical stereology : quantifying uncertainty of 3D object parameters from 2D GPR data of a braided river system. Application to the Tagliamento River (NE Italy)85
      • Application of multiple-point geostatistics on groundwater flow and transport in media with complex geological heterogeneity : lessons learnt and remaining challenges87
      • New methodology to determine water quality in a Spanish river based on Shewhart-type-control-chart runs rules for functional data88
      • Paleotemperature reconstructions using a spatio-temporal multicore Bayesian model90
      • Estimation of long-term volcanic hazard under evolving tectonic conditions at 1 Ma timeframe91
      • Air quality index revidited from a compositional approach93
      • Use of geostatistics for contaminated sites characterization : experience feedback, recommendations for practical implementation and needs for further research and development95
      • GWSDAT (GroundWater Spatiotemporal Data Analysis Tool)96
      • Fisherman spatial behavior and fish acoustic biomass : two sides of the same coin ?97
      • Approximate model based on simplified physics and functional principal component to accelerate Monte Carlo Markov chain99
      • A geostatistical methodology for the performance evaluation of groundwater quality monitoring networks101
      • Spatio-temporal wireless network performance forecast with using geostatistical simulation methods103
      • Environmental data modelling using extreme learning machines104
      • Assessing the feasibility of geostatistical approaches to quantify stockpiles characterization using variogram modeling (with case examples from tow Iron stockpiles, Iran)105
      • Estimating herbivore species abundance and distribution patterns in Kruger national park South Africa using area to point poisson kriging and P-field simulation107
      • Automated screening of spatio-temporal anomalies in long term / large scale air quality observation time series109
      • Spatial regression for general purpose software111
      • Likelihood-representative sampling from (log) normal random field models112
      • Assessing climate impacts on low flows and droughts combining upward and downward approaches114
      • Universal kriging with training images116
      • Variogram-based template selection for multiple-point geostatistics117
      • Spatial relationship quantification between environmental, socioeconomic and health data at different geographic levels118
      • Water of the lake of Geneva during some decades : water circulation, temperatures, pollutants depicted with spatio-temporal geostatistics and machine learning119
      • Application of stochastic simulation techniques in nation-wide 3D subsurface models of the Netherlands121
      • Data assimilation for urban air quality simulation123
      • Spatial and temporal changes in soil organic carbon assessment using an integrated geostatistical and compositional data analysis approach124
      • Multivariate modelling of interconnected variables with different characteristics126
      • A novel approach to kriging for functional compositional data with application to particle-size curves in heterogeneous aquifers127
      • A new spatial copula function for modeling spatial dependency and interpolation129
      • Towards regionalised biodiversity indicators for fisheries management130
      • Efficient prediction designs for random fields131
      • Non-linear multivariate geostatistical modelling using pair-copulas132
      • Spatial and time variation in underground water quality parameters in klodzko water intake area (sw part of poland) using geostatistical methods133
      • Surface air temperature mapping from remote sensing and geographical data135
      • Predictive mapping of soil properties at high resolution by component wise gradient boosting136
      • Reproducing chaos and persistence in a dailly rainfall time-series : a comparison between a Markov-Chain approach and multiple-point statistics137
      • Spatio-temporal variability of nutrients in irrigation waters and its contribution on fertilization of olive groves in Crete island, Greece139
      • Estimation and validation of the hourly components of solar irradiation using in situ and satellite data141
      • Inverse modeling of moving average kernels for 3D Gaussian simulation142
      • Characterization of desertification indicators based on earth observation data143
      • Mapping the habitats of high fish concentrations with non-linear and multivariate geostatistics145
      • Identify model scale parameters with ground penetrating radar data147
      • Geostatistical modeling of soil contaminated improvement with on-site analysis148
      • Downscaling coarse resolution RS and climatic data with the support of covariates150
      • 3D modelling of Scottish soil properties151
      • New approach in data analysis from areas with limited ornithological data : automated modelling of small passerine densities from approximate transects152
      • Experimental variogram for data with measurement errors154
      • Multiple point statistics : how good is my training image ?155
      • Geostatistical approach to National Forest Inventory data : a study case in the Province of Trento (Italy)156
      • Influence of heterogeneity on heat transport simulations in shallow geothermal systems158
      • Large-scale probabilistic optimization using non-stationary geostatistics for uncertainty assessment of groundwater flow and solute transport159
      • Bayesian first arrival travel time tomography by interacting MCMC160
      • Assessment of multiple point simulation quality focusing on connected geobodies161
      • Incorporation of geomorphological information into the stochastic simulation of karst conduits162
      • A urban geochemical background database for contaminated land management163
      • The stochastic partial differential equation (SPDE) approach to represent Gaussian random fields165
      • Modeling sedimentary structures using non uniform rational B-splines166
      • Comparison of methods to estimate the sampling variance of design-based estimates of spatial means from systematic random sampling : application to the French soil monitoring network data167
      • Spatial point pattern analysis of soil survey sampling locations169
      • Complex estimation methods for simple fish171
      • Modeling and updating joint uncertainty in trend and training image in multi-point geostatistics172
      • The dynamics and spatial variability of soil organic carbon content under grasslands in Southern karelia173
      • Scale-up of reactive-diffusive processes in heterogeneous media175
      • Circulation controls of the spatial structure of maximum daily precipitation over Poland177
      • Conditioning multiple point statistics simulations to block data using direct sampling179
      • A stochastic space-time model for intermittent precipitation occurrences180
      • Potential mapping from geochemical surveys using a Cox process181
      • Applied geo-information in spatial prediction of landslide harzads case study in red river basin, Vietnam182
      • Delineation of highly permeable backbones in heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity fields183
      • Geostatistical analysis of water quantity and quality spatiotemporal data184
      • Bayesian approach for estimating the space-time variability of groundwater level in a sparsely monitored basin on a Mediterranean island186
      • Simulation of erosion processes and their impact on the water quality in a hydro-ecological model : use of geostatistics as a validation tool188
      • Conditional object-based simulations of « flexible » objects190
      • Cokriging of proportions to estimate tuna distribution from vessels' trajectories191
      • Geostatistical combination of catch data derived from fisheries and research surveys192
      • Air emissions of sulphur oxides and total suspended particulates from combustion plants and domestic sector in Silesia. Analysis using geostatistics193
      • Author Index195

  • Origine de la notice:
    • Electre
  • Disponible - 551 GEO

    Niveau 2 - Sciences