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  • Eurêkoi Eurêkoi



Auteur(s), compositeur(s), interprète(s) : Poppe, Enno (1969-....) Découvrir l'auteur


Like Spain, I am bound to the past

I, Untroubled, wide awake and calm

Why don't you have a soda pop

I cannot breathe

I had no lips, no teeth, no vision

He who has words to hear my spell

And Joselito

And the stairs, porches, lawns, driveways

Let the dawn blue as a flame cross the city

It's a Man or Monkey

Broken Pieces

II, I made recordings of the continuous music

III, Who is the third

Do they ever come back

God grant I never die in a fucking hospital


I can only wait for it to happen

  • Consultable à la Bpi